Letters: Important to spay, neuter pets; Mueseum donations
Last week, someone abandoned 10 puppies near Leavenworth County Road 1 and Woodend Road. This is not the first time that this happened in and around Tonganoxie. I took in eight of the puppies to try to find good homes for them, another good soul took one at the time they were being rounded up and one was killed on the road. They were dehydrated, hungry and very scared.
I am addressing this letter to the person who did this or to anyone else who thinks that this is the way to get rid of unwanted animals. These types of situations do not usually have a happy ending. You might think that it works because someone like me has taken them in. The fact is that this is not my responsibility — this is yours.
It could have been avoided by having your female spayed’ which I hope you will do now. There are several low-cost spay and neuter clinics in this area every year. There is no excuse for having litter after litter — it only multiplies the problem. Each year, thousands of unwanted animals are put to sleep. As sad as that fact is, it is a far quicker and kinder death there, than a slow death when an animal is left to die on the road.
In this country, 2,000 dogs and 3,500 cats are born each hour. Each time a dog or cat is left unneutered, the cycle starts again. If you have a farm dog, barn dog, town dog, inside cat, outside cat, farm cat or any family pet — please get them neutered. A small investment now will save you money in the long run. Our local veterinarians can direct you to someone who can help with the cost of neutering. A commitment to an animal is a responsibility for life. This is your responsibility — not mine.
Robin Bales,
Museum donations stepping up
To the editor:
On behalf of the Tonganoxie Community Historical Society, I want to thank you for the great story with pictures done by Lisa Scheller on the preparation of a museum at the site.
Since its publication, some really fantastic items have been donated, and helpers who are not even members have volunteered to come out and work.
With every new treasure we receive, we get more excited and are looking forward to being able to invite everyone to the grand opening on June 14.
Betty Englen,