Letters to the editor: God still loves the sinner; A great community event; Change daylight-saving time
To the editor:
My heart is heavy and saddened by the protests that took place in our city. I thank God for the freedom that we have to voice our opinion and for the many service men and women who gave their lives for that freedom. But, when we make a statement, there needs to be a right purpose behind what we do, and there needs to be truth in what we say.
Since we cannot know the heart of another we can only judge the action of a man. The actions of those representing Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka were hateful, derisive and demeaning. The message of hatred by God that they preach is nowhere found in God’s Word.
Yes, God hates the sin of mankind. After all, that sin caused the death of His Son, Jesus. But, in spite of that, God still loves the sinner — regardless. As a Christian, as a Baptist and as a pastor, neither I, nor our church condones the vicious attack on the family and friends of Lucas Frantz. But rather, we pray that God will continue to comfort in time of loss and that we will not all be judged by one small group of radical extremists.
Jim Melrose,
Pastor, Victory Baptist Church, Tonganoxie.
To the editor:
The Friends of the Library would like to thank everyone who attended the Halloween Party and Carnival on Oct. 29, especially those who volunteered to help set-up, run and clean up after the event. Without the generous support of these co-sponsors, the event would not have been the success that it was: B&J Country Mart, Tonganoxie Historical Society and Tonganoxie Recreation Commission. We are also very grateful for the enthusiastic help we had this year from Girl Scout Troop 3393 and the Tonganoxie High School chapter of FBLA–thank you volunteers! Pictures of the event are on the library’s Web site at www.tonganoxielibrary.org. If you are interested in helping with this event next year, contact the library or join the Friends.
Sharon Moreland,
Director, Tonganoxie Public Library.
To the editor:
Now that daylight-saving time has ended, it will make my job as a school bus driver a lot safer.
I can see the children before I get to their bus stop.
I read that President Bush wants to extend daylight-saving time by three weeks starting in 2007. I feel this just makes a bad situation worse. No one is considering the children. What agenda is so important that we put our most precious possessions out in the dark for an extra hour at night?
If our children don’t mean anymore to us than that, we should be ashamed. Is it so Uncle Joe can see to play an extra round of golf or is it so Aunt Millie can get home from her ladies aid meeting before dark? None of these things is worth a child’s life. None of these things is worth a child’s life. Nothing is important enough that it can’t wait until Saturday when it is light all day. Let’s shorten daylight-saving time and start it around May 1 and end it around Sept. 1. That way, the children are in the daylight as much as possible. And, people who work can have an extra hour to do what they need to do.
Also, it will help with vehicle-deer accidents as people going to work can see the deer and brake accordingly. Thus they avoid accidents instead of having the deer wrapped around their vehicle.
Mr. President, let’s keep children safe. No child should be left standing in the dark.
Lowell B. Turner Jr.,