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Remember When: A community review

By Billie Aye - | Sep 7, 2005

10 years ago: Aug. 23, 1995

(Picture) Florence O’Dower, a resident at the Tonganoxie Nursing Center, won a trophy and a Freddy Award for her ceramics at the Leavenworth County Fair. A Freddy Award is put out by Popular Ceramics, and only two winners received this honor in the county.

The Rev. Jerry Tubach’s sermon will highlight the Centennial service Sunday, Aug. 27, at the Linwood United Methodist Church. Rev. Tubach is the Kansas City district superintendent of the United Methodist Church.

Death: Donald Wayne Budenosky, 50, Tonganoxie, died Aug. 10, 1995.

Birth: Keith and Laurie Hable, Tonganoxie, announce the birth of a daughter Kaitlin Abigail, on July 31, 1995.

Jarbalo Jottings: Paul and Lynn Heskett, Kody and Michele, hosted a party celebrating the 14th birthday of Rhiannon Mooberry Wednesday, Aug. 16, 1995.

25 years ago: Aug. 20, 1980

(Picture) Pam Slawson, Tonganoxie, a senior at the University of Kansas, has been selected to spend the academic year in Reading, England. Forty-one University of Kansas students will study in nine foreign countries during the 1980-81 academic year as participants in the University’s Study Abroad program.

Death: Mrs. Freida Dora Basel, Linwood, passed away Aug. 16, 1980 at the age of 72 years.

(Picture) Betty Smith, Kansas City, Kansas, was the lucky winner of the 1955 Chevrolet won in the drawing for the benefit of Cameron Rutledge.

Births: Dr. and Mrs. Ron Lee announce the arrival of a daughter, Julie Ann, born on Aug. 11, 1980. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Holder, Humble, Texas, announce the birth of a son, Travis Ford, July 29, 1980, in Houston, Texas. Mrs. Holder is the former Marilyn Seeman, Basehor.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Shoemaker entertained at their home Sunday, with a family dinner in honor of Ora Shoemaker’s 89th birthday.

50 years ago: Sept. 8, 1955

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang announce the birth of a son, Aug. 31, who has been named Harold Eugene.

The Weekly News Reel — It might as well be spring. Biddy Hughes has a lilac in bloom.

Mr. and Mrs. Fount M. Smith will hold open house at their home Sunday Sept. 18, from 2 to 4 p.m. in honor of their golden wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills are the parents of a son born Saturday, Sept. 3, 1955.

Linwood: A reunion picnic of the 1940 graduates of Linwood High School was held at Tonganoxie State Lake last Sunday.

Basehor: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Swope have purchased the old grade school property and will move into it until they build their new home.

Turtle Races: This new fair feature brought a lot of entries. Two races were staged each day on Thursday and Friday. Winners by days: Patti Druley 1st, Maridel Davis 2nd, Jeanne Doege 3rd. Second race — Steven Marshall 1st, Ronnie Black 2nd, Quinton Hancock 3rd. On Friday, two additional races were won by: David Cook 1st, Gale Knoche 2nd, Ronnie Lindel 3rd. Second race — Joe Williams 1st, Ronnie Salmon 2nd, T.C. Davis 3rd.

75 years ago: Aug. 14, 1930

W.H. Hopkins, 80 years of age, passed away at his home in Elm Park last Thursday, Aug. 7, 1930, after an illness of several months. So passes another good man who — “Wraps the drapery of his couch around him and lies down to pleasant slumbers.”

Considerable excitement was occasioned west of town one day last week when a plane landed in the Knox pasture. Many feared that the plane was wrecked, but this soon proved to be wrong. The fact of the matter was, Earl Favingor of Kansas City, piloting the plane, was delivering some auto repairs to his father-in-law, James H. White, who lives on the Philo Harris farm. Favingor had planned to land in the field on his father-in-law’s farm, but had not judged the distance quite right and landed in the Knox field instead. This is probably the first delivery of auto parts via aeroplane ever made in Tonganoxie.

Stranger: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tornaden announce the birth of a daughter, Aug. 11, whom they have given the name Dolores Vera.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McRill announce the birth of a daughter Aug. 9. Mr. and Mrs. McRill live in Satanta, where Mr. McRill is superintendent of the high school.

Pleasant Valley: Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Fred Hemphill returned Sunday from the “Mother’s Rest Camp” at Bean Lake. They left Thursday and report they had a fine time.

100 years ago: Aug. 24, 1905

The Canning Factory made its first run Saturday. It was a trial run and from 1,200 to 1,500 cans were put up as a starter. When the weather permits the gathering of tomatoes, the plant will run every day except Saturday and Sunday. The prices paid are the same as paid at canneries all over the middle west.

An 8-pound boy arrived at the home of Frank Casebier at Neely, Monday morning. Dr. Coe attended.

George Ratliff has secured a regulation street sprinkler. It makes Tonganoxie look metropolitan, when the machine scatters its contents to the dust.