Jarbalo Jottings
On Nov. 25, visitors of Tom and Jean Murry were Pat and Jeanne Murry of Olathe and Jim Murry and Jean Andra.
Wayne and Mildred Kirby had Thanksgiving dinner with Don and Ann Kirby.
Henry Ehart’s aunt Edith Horner of Kansas City Kan., died recently.
Jim Murry had a Thanksgiving dinner for family Nov. 18.
The family also celebrated Andrew Murry’s birthday, as Andrew turned 4. Helping celebrate were his parents and James and Katie Murry and Zacahry of Greenwood; Jason and Nicole Murry, Sam, Joe and Elizabeth, Princeton; Verna Cutright and Michelle and Rosemary Murry, all of Osawatomie; and Tom and Jean Murry.
Bid Sheppard and Kathy Powers had Thanksgiving dinner with Charles and Connie Sheppard of Lenexa.
There was a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Thamar Barnett for some of the family. Those attending were Connie Barnett, Eric Barnett, Kathy Stimac, Tammy Mooberry, Ronnie Mooberry and Rhiannon Mooberry. Also attending were Madison Smith, Jake Roscoe and Lindsay, Paul and Lynn Heskett, Kody, Michelle and Isaac, Julia Carter and Shianne and Thamar Barnett. The group also celebrated Kody’s 17th birthday and Lindsey’s 8th birthday.
The Hesketts, except for Kody, stayed Thanksgiving night with Thamar. Kody went with Ronnie Mooberry to spend a couple days with him. The rest of the Hesketts went home Nov. 24 to Moran.
Ronnie Mooberry, Rhiannon Mooberry and Madison Smith took Kody home Nov. 26.
David and Jane Turner went Nov. 22 to Branson and returned Saturday. They stopped at the Heskett home in Moran on their way home.
The Jaunty Jarbalonians chapter of the Red Hat Society met Nov. 10 at the home of Bonny Barnett in Leavenworth for a Thanksgiving dinner. Those enjoying the dinner were Sarah Conway, Connie Barnett, Linda Barry, Frances Frick, Betty Clark, Susie Chmidling, Jane Turner, Barbara Bailey and Thamar Barnett. Robin Kern helped her mother, Bonny, as co-hostess.
My family had a surprise 80th birthday celebration for me Nov. 11 at Jarbalo United Methodist Church. It was a real surprise, as it was two months after my birthday. A lot of relatives and friends were there. Thanks to everyone who came. It was a great day!