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Madrigal Feaste moved to TJHS

By Lisa Scheller - | Dec 6, 2006

The Madrigal Feaste often includes a juggling act.

But this year, planners for the event have been doing the juggling.

¢ A limited number of Madrigal Feaste tickets remain.

¢ The castle doors will open at 6 p.m. and the processional begins at 6:30 p.m.

¢ For ticket information, call the high school at (913) 845-2654.

Organizers of the event, Tonganoxie teacher Tom Gifford and his assistant Carolyn Day, had planned for the holiday medieval feast and musical performance to be held at the new middle school.

That decision hinged on the school being complete, which it is, and on the water tower next to it being full, which it isn’t.

So, the Madrigal Feaste will be held at Tonganoxie Junior High School.

But there’s another kicker.

Because of the district’s construction project in which the junior high building will become a part of the high school, the sign on the junior high reads “Tonganoxie High School.”

Those familiar with the school district won’t have any problem finding the school. But for those from out of town, the junior high is at the west edge of the high school/junior high complex, near the curve on U.S. Highway 24-40.

Tonganoxie City Administrator Mike Yanez said Monday that the water tower has been sanitized.

But a water leak was later discovered at the base of the tower. The contractor was working to repair it Monday.

“We still think we can start filling the tower with water this week,” Yanez said.

Tonganoxie school Superintendent Richard Erickson praised the city for working with the district during construction.

Meanwhile, organizers of the Madrigal Feaste are proceeding with plans to hold the event in the commons area of the junior high.

Guests will enter through the front doors on the north side of the building and then be escorted to the event by cast members.

Day said guests, including children, are invited to dress in medieval costumes. And, she said, a prize would be given for the best one.