Remember when: A community review
10 years ago: Nov. 27, 1996
Births: Anthony and Christine Funk, Tonganoxie, announce the birth of a daughter, Allison Marie, on Nov. 19, 1996. Eric and Sandy (Woodward) Varvel, Las Vegas, announce the birth of their son, Zzyzx Kohl (Zzyzx is pronounced like Isaac with a “Z”), born Nov. 23, 1996.
Death: Genevieve E. Nees, 75, Tonganoxie, died Nov. 19, 1996.
Brandy Mogle, Basehor, has been selected to participate in “Catch Your Dream,” the National 4-H Congress in Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 29-Dec. 3. The five-day leadership conference is expected to draw 950 young people from 46 states and one U.S. territory.
Jarbalo Jottings: There will be Hanging of the Greens Saturday, Nov. 30, at 3 p.m. at Jarbalo United Methodist Church. A potluck meal will follow at 5 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to take part in this event.
From “as I see it” column by Don Waterman: Out of 10 drawings for a Thanksgiving turkey, we have nine winners. Ed Maness can have a turkey at both ends of the table this year. His name was drawn at Midwest Carpet as well as Gambino’s, putting him in that extra lucky class all by himself. Ed tells us that actually both birds will be given to the Good Shepherd Thrift Shop.
25 years ago: Nov. 25, 1981
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Brian Plake are announce the birth of a son, Phillip William, Nov. 18, 1981.
Death: Clifford “Mike” Tenpenny, 75, McLouth, died Sunday at his home.
McLouth News: Mary LaMar and Connie Hedgepath attended a party at the home of Glenda Kelly, Oskaloosa, in honor of the fourth birthday of Holly Kelly. Her little sister, Angela, was included in the celebration.
Springdale News: Willoughby and Brian Schwinn went to Manhattan Wednesday to help Myron Schwinn sort and ship his calves to market.
Jarbalo Jottings: Wayne and Mildred Kirby attended a card party at the home of her brother, Robert and Judy Sargent of Kansas City, Kan,, recently.
Mrs. Maurine Lamb entertained with a dinner Thursday evening for her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lasher and family of McLouth. They were celebrating her grandson, Orville Dean’s 10th birthday.
The Tonga-Tribe Chapter of N.C.H.A. met Saturday evening at the Mutual Savings building for a chili dinner.
50 years ago: Dec. 13, 1956
Mrs. Frank Chapman of Route 2, McLouth, passed away at her home Dec. 11, 1956. She was a pioneer resident of the area.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole, formerly of Tonganoxie, observed their golden wedding anniversary on Dec. 9, at their home in Kansas City. Hostesses were their daughters, Mrs. Henry Detefson of Kansas City and Mrs. Ross Smiley of San Mafee, Calif.
Bill Emery, formerly of Labette, has been employed by the Tonga Elevator here. Bill is an experienced operator and had the elevator at Labette before coming here. He and his wife, Lois, plus three children, are moving into the McFadden house in the east part of town during the Christmas holidays.
Linwood: Mrs. Mary Cecil Hicks, age 93, died Dec. 3, 1956, at her home. Mrs. Hicks was born Nov. 23, 1863, at Moundville, Va. She had been a resident here for 74 years.
Mrs. Henry Metzger will entertain Sunday for her nephew Paul Leimkuhler for his birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Ford announce the birth of a daughter, Terri Diane, Dec. 6, 1956
Basehor: Mr. and Mrs. J. Oroke had word of the death of Mrs. Oroke’s grandmother, Mrs. Cora May at Ozawkie.
Additional space requirements of the Tonganoxie Elevator was the reason Dale Rawlings has purchased the Tonga Sale Building. Rawlings has for some time been planning to acquire additional space near his feed store. He is planning to completely redo the building and the first work is already under way.
75 years ago: Nov. 19, 1931
The strange spectacle of a mid-November flood greeted those residents who live along and in Big Stranger valley in Leavenworth County this week.
The body of Mrs. Virginia Sutton, aged 66 years, who died at her home in Los Angeles, was shipped to Tonganoxie, Tuesday. Mrs. Sutton was formerly Miss Virginia Cox and lived for a number of years in the vicinity of McLouth. Burial was at Wild Horse cemetery, near McLouth. Mrs. Sutton was the niece of Mrs. E.H. Cox of Tonganoxie.
O. Davis reports that during the past two weeks he has made over 400 pounds of candy, mostly taffy and peanut brittle.
Dr. Coe reports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGraw of Hoge neighborhood, last Thursday, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goble, northwest of Tonganoxie, last Sunday, Nov. 15. (This date was given as Nov. 16, in another paragraph.)
West of Town: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Longacre and daughter, Trula Delight, and Mr. Deeter attended Mr. Howard Moore’s funeral on Tuesday afternoon.
Girls in the Advanced Home Making class are beginning work on silk dresses.
Shampoo and finger wave 75 cents at Mrs. White’s Beauty Shop.
Reno: Henry Eisele has lost nine sheep by sheep-killing dogs.
Mound: Mr. and Mrs. Arch Vestal and sons took dinner Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Vestal, this being her 67th birthday.
100 years ago: Nov. 29, 1906
No eggs are coming to town. The people in the cities are “hollering” for eggs, but the flocks are unmoved.
J.S. Grist is repairing a bridge this week, between Will Schultz and Fred Gress. The bridge had broken down.
Walter Schenck took sick Saturday with appendicitis. This is the fifth attack he has had, but he is getting better without an operation.
Miss Grace Moore, youngest daughter of Mrs. Julia Moore, had the misfortune to break her right arm Saturday, by falling from a chair.
A disturbance at the basket and box social in the Walnut school house Friday, resulted in the arrest of two of the young men implicated. It took $10.75 a piece to settle the matter in Justice Cooledge’s court Tuesday morning.
A.E. Reeves had another runaway Thursday, by the team getting away from him just as he got into the buggy. He was thrown out but did not get hurt. The horses were stopped before doing much damage.