Agency could join campaign against global warming
(Harris News Service) Energy group focuses on global warming: Kansas Energy Council members on Friday discussed joining a national wave of states targeting greenhouse gas emissions.
(LJW) Funding of state universities at issue: Given the current trend, students at Kansas University today may see their children climb Mt. Oread to graduate from Douglas County University or some other nonstate-funded school.
(LJW) Lawmakers have lot left to do: For Kansans who are on waiting lists for health care assistance or attending technical schools, the Legislature’s work isn’t done by a long shot.
(Topeka Capital-Journal) Health care reforms await action: A sweeping health care bill that calls for reforms to Medicaid and other measures has been polished by a House-Senate conference committee and will be awaiting lawmakers’ attention when they return to Topeka next week.
(LJW) Bill to help doctors draws fire: Count Douglas County District Attorney Charles Branson among those urging Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to veto a bill that will restrict consumers in court.
(LJW) Sebelius joins stem cell debate: Gov. Kathleen Sebelius urged the U.S. Senate to remove President Bush’s restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.