Poet’s Corner
Students in Beth Fritz’s fourth-grade class at Tonganoxie Elementary School are this week’s poets. The students have been learning about and trying out their hands writing their own haikus.
In my backyard
a deer family is walking
in the middle of the day.
— Dalton Andersen
In a garden
a little caterpillar sang a song
at the crack of dawn.
— Haley Arevalo
In a peaceful field
a horse gallops everywhere
every cool day.
— Leah Bartels
In the shade of a tree
lay a little baby rabbit
on a cool fall day.
— Zach Callaghan
In my backyard
the wind is blowing cold air
on a winter day.
— Halley Calovich
In my garden
a flower blooms
during the night.
— Emma DeMaranville
On an old willow tree
a robin sings his lovely song
every spring morning.
— Allie Dorsey
In a very small creek
a huge fish jumps out of the water
early in the morning.
— Emily Eberth
On my own street
sits a dog barking
every summer morning.
— Brenden Hagemaster
In all the seasons
my two dogs lay on the couch
all of night and day.
— Spencer Finkbiner
In my room
a caterpillar was crawling on my bed
during the night.
— Jake Griffin
On my mom’s warm bed
my dog slept soundless
one wintery night.
— Jolie Hebert
On a tree with leaves
sat a bird by a caterpillar
on a fall day.
— Dawson Jones
At the top of a hill
a spider spun silk
at one o’clock.
— Zach Johnson
In the kitchen
my dog chews on her frisbee
every single night.
— Billy Kelly
One summer night
wolves were howling
in my backyard.
— Sean Ketchum
On a calm beach
the ocean freezes over fish
on a freezing winter night.
— Joshua Lingo
One rainy morning a dog
was walking on two feet
up and down the street.
— Ryan Malone
In a breathtaking garden
a beautiful lily grew
on a warm spring day.
— Monica Maurer
In a black graveyard
a child carves a Spooky pumpkin
on a Halloween night.
— Shannon Olson
In a desert
a black and brown lizard
suns on a hot day.
— Tyler Salmon
One summer day
I saw a vine curled on a fence.
It was midnight.
— Jacob Tollefson