Springdale News, Dec. 12, 2007
Fred and Julia Rietcheck of Oakley, Roger Rietcheck of Lawton, Okla., and Jerry and Jasalyn and son of Lawrence were Thanksgiving dinner guests Nov. 22 of Ron and June Keith of Springdale. The guests arrived Wednesday, Nov. 21, and returned to their home on Sunday, Nov. 25.
On Friday, Nov. 30, the ladies of Springdale Friends Church met at the home of Peggy Gillaspie with Andrea Gritton to get better acquainted. There were devotions, ladies brought their favorite cookies to eat and exchange and they all made Christmas ornaments.
Andrea Gritton and Dyla Lawrence are beginning to work with the children at Springdale Friends Church for the Christmas program for Sunday, Dec. 23.
Brenda Schwinn was celebrating her big 40th birthday on Wednesday, Dec. 5.
Jeanette Cole celebrated her 36th birthday on Nov. 28 with her family and friends, the John Grays, at the Gray home.
Advent began Dec. 2 at Springdale Friends Church, with volunteer members presenting readings and lighting the Advent candles each Sunday until Christmas.
The Springdale Community looks beautiful with several families decorating for Christmas at each home.
Wayne and Anabel and Kirk and Knapp were shopping and ate dinner Wednesday, Dec. 5, in Lawrence.
Anabel and Wayne attended a Christmas program that included their grandson, Austin Knapp, on Thursday, Dec. 6, at his preschool in Valley Falls.