Letters to Santa Claus

Dear Santa,
My name is Zan. I am 6 years old. I want this for Christmas, please: 1. Bumble bee transformer 2. Vehicle voltrons 3. Transformers 4. Phone. Please dring gifts to my mom and dad. Also bring gifts to all the people who need things.
Thank you!! Zan Martin
Dear Santa,
I would like a fantatic 4 gameboy advance game. I would alos like some moon sand if you have enough. I will leave carrots out for the raindeer and milk for you . I am getting really good grades in 1st grade. I hope you and the raindeer are getting enough rest for Christmas eve. Hope to see you soon.
Love, Hunter Fields
Dear Santa,
1. Hair streaking kit. 2. Pair of hair ties. 3. Pass word diary. 4. Pack of pens. 5. A stuffed animal. 6. Fake flowers to put in your hair. 7. Fake tea set to play with. 8. Mini TV to go in my room. 9. Sell phone that has a camra in it. 10. A picture frame. 11. A pair of earrings. 12. A piggy bank. 13. A big, fluffy, fat, soft, towel. 14. A pair of fluffy house shoes. 15. A art kit with a bunch of stuff. 16. A be-bratz doll. 17. A I-pod. 18. A pair of high-heals. 19. A pair of tow piece, warm P J’s.
Love, Madalyn McKay
Dear Santa,
Here is my list: 1. GI Joe figures, X box 360 2. Wrestling dvd and figures 3. Nintendo ds 4. Freddy vs Jason.
Love Will Lux
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like for you to bring me, 1. Mater 2. Helicopter 3. Mack with trailer 4. Vaccum 5. A Skateboard 6. Rocket. I will leave some carrots for your reindeer.
Love, Derek Miller
Dear Santa,
For Christmas this year I would like to have: 1. Mater 2. A race car 3. A helicopter 4. A vaccum 5. Pinky Dinky Doo. I will leave some cookies for you.
Love, Trenton Miller
Dear Santa,
I would like the squdwking mukol and a four weir.
Love, Matthew Miller
Dear Santa,
Please can I have a streak in style, im-me pase can I have 2 them, bratz movie, bratz star singerz, littlest pet shop paws off diary, c rimper, m3p player, ds pink please, ds fashion designer, squawkers mccaw, lil lavables fluffy factory, ripstick, fur berries strawberry, myepets, moon sand, eye lop, rain and play puppy, makeup, high hells, shop tll you drop regiser, fake nails 10 boxes, paints and paper, clouse for lion, wodd house for loin a bathroom bedroom kichen living room tv, earrings this is for the dog this is their list for rd, tucker and Ella they wants some dog toys can you put their dog bones in their stocking and for rd she want snacks this is my cats list he wants kitty snacks and cat toys.
Love, Kassidee Matthews and Rd, Tucker, Ella and Tigger.
Dear Santa,
My name is Hannah Kouns and I am 4. Thank you for all the presents last year. I had fun with the toys, We don’t have a fireplace again this year, but my mom says you have magic keys, and you will make in alright. This year I would like moms, a baby alive,a nd a beby bed for my baby alive. Thank you & Merry Christmas!
Love, Hannah Kouns
Dear Santa,
I’m writing you from my kids, one is my 8-year-old girl Kay Kay. She wants a doll that wets and some toys. Another one is my 12-year-old girl Maggie. She wants music to listen to on her CD Radio. She wants Hannah Montana. Also Hannah Montana movies that are out. Some girl stuff. There is my 13-year-old that is not grown up yet. He likes his game boy advance. He likes all kinds of games to play. He also loves rains. Then I have a stepchild that is 11 years old. Her name is Hannah. She would like a CD player and music to listen to on the bus. She also loves to draw. There is Bob, Santa, he needs tools and a new chainsaw to cut wood. Please Santa help me help them have something for Christmas this year. Thank you! Please help my kids and half big kid at heart Bob too.
Love ya Santa, Phillip, Maggie, Kay Kay, Hannah and Bob
Dear Santa,
My name is Andrew James Bottorff, and I am 4. I love trains! Please bring me some Thomas the Tank Engine Lego’s, and a Thomas shaving cream. I also want some Lighting MeQueen Chapstick.
Love, Andrew
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy. My name is Alec Gamache and I am 5. I would like a black witch costume and a broom, and some green makeup just like the witch in the Wizard of Oz.
Love, Alec
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christams is two farm set, one vet kit, a dog, I don’t know what I am gonna call it. And I would like to have a Scooter and a stop sign, and a toy can with a wagon trailing behind it, and a toy gas station, a camera, fur real friends parret, littlest pet shope park, twist and twirl teka, a guitar and a $100.00 BILL. THANK YOU!
Love, Samantha
Dear Santa Claus & hie elves,
My name is Jarrett “Working Guy” Breuer. I have a 4 month old Baby brother, named Tyler too! For Christmas I want a John Deere phone and key, a bicycle, Bob the Builder underware and new PJ’s. Tyler wants new PJ’s like me. I’ve been staying more good since your elf “Pookie” comes to visit everyday. See you tomorrow at the AG. Hall of Fame Train Express. It’s almost Christmas time!
Love, Jarrett
Dear Santa Clause,
It’s really cold this year. How are you doing this year? This christams I would like a Dora Kitchen, my little pony skywishes, a tea time bell and a baby alive could you give me a picture of your reindeer nad Mrs. Clause. Thank you for all you do.
Love, Britney Kay Hoffman
P.S. You are very nice.
Dear Santa Clause,
How are you doing this year, it has been a good year for me. It’s really cold this winter. This Christmas I would like a lime green iDog, a brown and turquoise carrying case, a winter outfit for it and some more webkinz clothes. Can I please have a picture of Commit. Could you tell Mrs. Clause I said hi and tell your elfs the same.
Love, Ashley Annette Hoffman
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Dear Santa,
I’ve been a good girl this year. For Christmas I would like play food, a doggie, a little Pikachu, a bear, a reindeer, and a Rose Petal Cottage. I’ll leave you some cookies.
Love, Grace Himple
Hi Santa,
My name is Austin Morrow and I turn 1 year old the day after Christmas. I just hope to have a very happy 1st christmass and hop to get everything I want then, if not, I guess I can wait until my birthday.
Merry Christmas Santa, Austin
Dear Santa,
I had fun seeing you. I would like a crown, a unicorn, and a pink Hilda, and a Rosella Barbie and a pink horse for my Jasmine doll. I hope you have a safe trip.
Merry Christmas, Rebekah Brown
Dear Santa,
How is your wife? I would like a Barbie with a swimming suit, a car for my Barbies, a new baby doll, a teddy bear to dress up and a Jasmine doll. I would like a Cinderella doll for my sister. I love you Santa.
Love, Hannah Brown
Dear Santa,
I hope you are having a great Christmas. I am having a great Christmas. I think it will be a good thing that everybody loves a lot of presents. Santa, I have been really good. I think you are good too Santa. I wish for three lazer tag suits with the lazer tag guns attached to them. I also wish for a spy gear remote control car, a Ratatonille game for my gameboy. I wish you enjoy the cookies with sprinkles on top.
Love, Scoot Harman
P.S. I hope you enjoy the cookie.
Dear Santa,
I’m 12 years old & I’m in 7th grad. I’m halway through school and have been good and I worked hard. I’ve helped my mom and my dad on the farm and so I would like Kingdom Hearts 2, the Simpons movie, Heavenly Sword, Gift card, atackling dummy.
Love, Mark
Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. For Christmas I would like these things. Some of Kols shimmery jean and lots of cute sweatshirts and shirts, High School Musical mini purse and colgne set and shirts, orginal Bobbyjack cosmetic set outfits, and jacket, pj’s, jumbo stuff animal with mini guitar, sunglasses, and black jacket, Digi makeover, quik gems, designers world, dream life, Bratz stylein sewing machine, girl crush streak and style, Li’l luvvables fluffy factory, designers doorhanger, lip smacker flavors: strawberry, bubblegum, DR pepper, red raspberry, orange pop, strawberry banana, vanilla, cotten candy, pink lemonade, watermelon, wild raspberry tropical punch, cookies, CD compact with flavor red lip glasses, glam fancy phone, duffel, feather boa, Black Zebra blanket, Rock boyfriend pillow cowboy hat with tiara. How are you and your elves doing tell them I said hi.
Love, Devyn
Dear Santa,
My name is Chas. I am 4 years old. How do your reindeer fly? Why are you wrapping up presents? I have a baby brother whose name is Jeff. I have another brother, Eli. Eli is 2 years old. Please give me some toys. I want Bionicles and Transformers. Eli wants a toy too. Maybe you can bring something for Jeff too. We’ll leave you some cookies and milk. Thank you.
Love, Chas Gilmore
Dear Santa,
My name is Javier. I am 7 years old. I would for Christmas. I pokemen ruby version please, can I Have mario karts DS.
Love, Javier Lemmens
Dear Santa,
I love Christmas it’s the best time of the year. I have ben good. Please come two my house my family loves you. Christmas List 1. Magic wand (real) 2. Wrich room (real) 3. Kitten that loves puppies 4. Treasure chest.
Thank you, Jared Jacobs
Dear Santa,
My name is Morgan Reece Yoakum. I’m 2 yrs old. I am so excited for Christmas. Please come to my house, I am making you cookies to eat. I drew you pictures of me and my mommy and daddy. This is what I want for Christmas this year. Playdough, peanut butter and jelly, candy, a Barbie doll, jewelry boy, dinosaur chicken.
Love, Morgan
P.S. I have been a very good girl this year. Thank you Santa.
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would really like a pink car. I would also like a princess pillow. I wanted to ask you for these things when I saw you, but I’m sorry I was too scared. I will leave you some celery with peanut butter, on the table, when you come to my house. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Love, Kiersten Harris
Dear Santa,
I want a Spiderman computer and shoes that jump (moon shoes) and I want a dragon and a dinosaur that defeats evil and a power ranger and then I want a dinosaur car. Then I want a truck that has a rope and it goes into the water and gets fish. And I want a power ranger sword and a helmet and a bike and a bowling game. I’ve been good today and I have a present for you in my room and it’s a surprise so you can come here to my house and get it and I’ll have some milk and cookies for you.
Love, Mark
Dear Santa,
My name is Richard Vernon. My nickname is Artie. I live in Tonganoxie, Ks. I have been a good boy this year. I would like for you to bring me three Hot Wheels tracks and a car too. I would like a Hot Wheels race track too.
Love, Richard
P.S. I will leave you some cookies and milk on Christmas eve.
Dear Santa,
I would like a baby bear. Hi! How are your reindeer?
I love you Santa, Emma Skelley
Dear Santa,
Can I please have a phone. A husky (puppy pet dog). Some big stufft animals. Some toys. Big pack of magnetix. An MP3 player plus charger. Realy realy grose sience kit. A my word coach and my Spanish coach. An easy bake. A rock star bed set. A lap top. Alivila a my real fur friend horse, butterskoch. Kids resepie book and an eye coster (full kit). A kid’s hair dyer.
Your gal, Ricki Griffith
P.S. I will be in Salina at Chuck and Deana’s house.
P.P.S. I have to get a husky.
Dear Santa,
Thank you for bringing me presents at Christmas. I’ve been a good person to Emma (my sister). I would like a toy turkey, a toy snowman, and a ginger bread man. And a toy mouse for Dustie (my cat) and a green ball for Bailey (my dog).
Merry Christmas and ho ho ho, Noah Skelley
Dear Santa,
I am relly glad to see you Santa. I would like a nitando DS, Pockeman Dianode and Pearl, Dino Digs, Maraen Mania, a electi gatar and a drum set, a fuor weeler, all cards that are pockemon, all the pocemon games, star war III and the star wars games, harry Potter movies and games, aviter sequel and games, a x box and games.
Love, William Woodyard
P.S. can you wake me up and take me on a ride and do you like the wildcats and can you give me a peshel bell that only bevers can hear.
Dear Santa,
Is it snowy at the North Pole? How are youre reindeer? I want a Movie Star Stage, Barbie ornament, Karoake machine, coloring books because I am an artist, and a Little Pet Shop Side. What kind of cookies would like me to set out?
Love, Erin Margaret Gallagher
Dear Santa,
I want an Idog amp’d, Dogopoly, Horseopoly, Dinopoly, Squakers McCaw. I also want a painted horse webkinz and a shining star pony, a new soccer ball, and zoo tycoon 2 extinct.
Sincerely, Madison
P.S. I’ve been extra good this year.
Dear Santa,
YAY it’s CHRISTMAS time once again. This is what I would like this year. Three gameboy game, Kidz bop 12, joy to the world c, littlest pet shop, a few stuffed animals, lizards, beanis baby cheetah, frog, teddy bears, some books, gamecube games, aqua dots set, candy canes, mandms, star bursts, hersey kisses, necklace, bracelets, stuffed tigerm diary, slippers, dvds, Rateutilles, Angaling Ballearings, Scooby Doo, sketch books, colored pencils, a shrek and blues clues puzzles, under garments, tee shirts, jeans, pjas, time cards, kite, micky mouse books, bratz magic makeup, sprint family set, Kidz bop 9, a coke sharing polar bear, blue cd case, fuzzy posters, chexmix, Pringles pizza flavored chips, nail polish, chapstick, rock bracelets, keep sake box, crunch bar, lollipop, junior mints, ring, another gamecube games, hat, come more stuffed animals, Leopards, giraffes, skunk and dalmation pups, a cat, a dog, and horse statues. New coloring books, some marbles, socks, one more boardgame, and laffy taffy. Plus some mints. Some new pens.
Love, Sara Morton
Dear Santa,
I would like star wars, action figure and coloring books.
Love, Emmett Keene
Dear Santa Claus,
I wyt a Dall.
Thank you, Caroline Keene
Dear Santa,
I am 3 years old and I have been very good boy this year. I would like a Mickey Mouse house, a guitar like the Wiggles. My sister, whose 10 months old would like baby toys!!!
Merry Christmas, Bruce and Jaelyn Hight
Dear Santa,
My name is Wyatt Jones and I am 7 mos. old. For Christmas I really would like some noisy bright toys. Those are my favorite! I can’t wait to see you in a couple of days at the Candy Cane Hunt.
Love, Wyatt Jones
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like the new Bratz movie, a dvd player that goes in the car and a /bratz rug for my bedroom. I hope your not too cold up at the North Pole. Tell the elves, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer I said Hi.
Love, Lindsey Jones
Dear Santa,
I would like an electric guitar, horse stuff, a horse calendar, horse blanket, dolphin candle holder. I have been a very good girl. Also a play stable for my horses. Thank you very much!
Love, Marisa Kearns
Dear Santa,
I would like to have an I-Pod, and a Squakers McCaw, and I would like have makeup, and I would like to have a million dollars, and I want really, really, really bad to have Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I would also like to have a new bed and a MP3 player and a cell phone, and a big cage for my hermit crabs and 2 more hermit crabs. And I want a scene it game and more jeans.
Sincerely, Emily
P.S. Give me Rudolph, please.
Dear Santa,
I would like a fur real training puppy, Be-Bratz-doolcom, fur real kitte cat, and a cenpuder for my mom.
Love, Gracie
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like the following gifts: 1. St Rose of Lima Saint card 2. Baby doll items 3. Christmas book 4. Tights (striped) 5. Blue brooch with woman’s face 6. Christmas candy. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Love, Kennedy Koddy
Dear Santa,
I have been good. Please bring my orange power ranger.
Love, Brayson Thornton
Dear Santa Claus,
I would like some things real special for Christmas. I want a toy dog, a little horse, a fuzzy wazzie dog named rainbow cause it has different colors, a toy yo-yo, and a little small Christmas tree for them. And I also want a diamond necklace,a nd a dimond bracelet, and a golden necklace like my mom’s. A new cooking pan of my own. And the last thing is a new collection of snowglobes. Oh, and a big white teddy bear with a candy cane and a scarf and I would like a real camera too! And a real phone like my Dads and Moms. Thanks.
Love, Sydney Angell