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A little bit of country comes to THS

By Lisa Scheller - | Feb 28, 2007

Tonganoxie Future Farmers of America members topped off National FFA week by driving their tractors to school.

Arriving early in the parking lot they were able to park diagonally in spaces in front of the high school.

Earlier in the week, club members had sponsored various events around the school.

Randy Kraft, FFA sponsor, said that during lunch time students were asked to guess the number of kernels of corn in a jar.

There were more than 2,000 in the jar and surprisingly, he said, one student’s guess was only seven kernels off.

The week included a blue and gold day in which students were asked to wear FFA colors to school.

And Wednesday was the day to dress up like a cowboy.

But the haybale toss sounded like the biggest challenge of the week. Students had the opportunity to pick up a square bale of hay and throw it as far as they could.

“I think they threw it 50-some feet,” Kraft said. “They’re pretty strong boys.”

Saturday morning the FFA members arrived at school early to prepare for the annual businessman’s breakfast. Despite the rains, a steady crowd attended the breakfast. Generally, Kraft said, from 150 to 200 attend the event.

Kraft said the kids basically run the breakfast on their own.

“Generally the juniors and seniors have done it for a couple of years,” Kraft said, noting the freshmen and sophomores learn from the upperclassmen.

“When they graduate it just carries on,” Kraft said.