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Should child abuse records be open?

By Staff | Jan 16, 2007

(Wichita Eagle) Bill would open child abuse records: Responding to a Wichita case involving two young girls who were allegedly beaten and starved, a lawmaker plans to propose legislation opening records in child abuse cases.

(KTKA) Wind energy big in Kansas future: In her State of the State address, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius acknowledged the danger of foreign dependency on oil, and she presented alternative plans for the future, including increasing the state’s use of wind energy to account for 10 percent of the state’s total energy use by the year 2010.

(LJW) Proposal would require photo I.D. to vote: The chairman of a committee that deals with election law has proposed a measure that would require voters to provide photo identification before their ballot would count.

(Harris News Service) Office aims to reach King’s goal to end racial health disparities: Healthy people: black, brown, white, it didn’t matter. That was among Martin Luther King’s platforms during his advocacy for equality in the 1960’s. As part of Monday’s anniversary of the late civil rights leader’s birth, the head of Kansas’ new minority health office reflected on how gaps endure between the health of whites and other racial minorities.

(KTKA) The Governor’s chief counsel has taken a job outside the Statehouse. Sebelius’ office says Matt All will become vice president of legal services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas.