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Remember When: A community review

By Billie Aye - | Jan 24, 2007

10 years ago: Dec. 25, 1996

Birth: David and Tammy Nassoiy announce the arrival of a son, Andrew James, born Dec. 17, 1996, in Oviedo, Fla.

A 90th birthday celebration was held for Mary Gast, Sunday, Nov. 24, 1996, at the Lansing Community Center. Her party with family and friends included a Mass celebrated by the Rev. Carl Pfister, then a potluck dinner at noon. A reception of cake and punch in the afternoon. All 15 of her children were in attendance. She also has 76 grandchildren, 128 great-grandchildren and eight great-great grandchildren. Mrs. Gast is the oldest of 12 children, with 11 of them still living.

Father Christmas, alias Tom Hoopler, paid a visit to the Avalon Cafe, Weston, Mo. Hoopler dresses up as the European Christmas emissary every year, during the weekends before Christmas. He can be seen walking the streets in Weston. (A picture shows Mr. Hoopler looking through the cafe window.)

Phil Jeannin, Adam Brady and Amy Waubunsee toted boxes of canned food into the Good Shepherd Thrift Shop on Friday. They represented a group from the Tonganoxie Junior High School that raised well over $100 for a family registered at the Thrift Shop.

25 years ago: Dec. 23, 1981

Billy Starcher, McLouth, has been named September Driver of the Month by the Kansas Motor Carriers Association. Bruce Graham, member of the association, said Starcher received the award for 35 years of safe driving.

Kiwanian Herbert Pearson presents a fruit basket to Ada Keck. Mrs. Keck celebrated her 90th birthday last May. Harold Champion and Herbert Pearson delivered approximately 60 baskets (to elderly and shut-ins) around town. The boxes were wrapped by Kiwanians Ed Korb, Herbert Pearson, George Torneden, Dean Freeman and their wives at the Korb home.

Deaths: Mr. Fred Siegmund, Raymore, Mo., passed away Dec. 15, 1981. Erva E. Dunlap, age 71, Leavenworth, died Dec. 15, 1981. Arden Clawson, 79, Topeka, Kansas, passed away Dec. 20th. Bessie Elizabeth Haines, 91, McLouth, died Thursday morning. Mrs. Pearl J. Ashlock, 76, died Dec. 19, 1981. Mrs. Marian Shockley Collyer, 70, Los Angeles, a former Broadway actress and widow of Clayton Bud Collyer, television game show host and actor, died Dec. 14, 1981. She was born in Kansas City, and has cousins in this area.

Birth: Sally and Joe Naylor of Weir, Kansas, announce the birth of a daughter, Jill Elizabeth, on Dec. 18, 1981.

50 years ago: Jan. 10, 1957

Deaths: William Wiehe, 66, Basehor, well-known farmer and stockman died Jan. 3, 1957. Albert Noller, formerly of Tonganoxie, passed away Jan. 3, 1957, at the age of 71 years. Mrs. Virginia Frances Guinn, 77, Oskaloosa, passed away Dec. 29, 1956, in Palo Alto, California, where she had been visiting some of her children.

Pvt. Merl E. Sparks is home on a 10-day leave from Fort McClellan, Alabama.

In our list of the new businesses last week we failed to mention two — the new Metzger’s Variety Store and Betty Quisenberry’s Cut and Curl Beauty Shop.

One local man is mad at the weather man — seems as tho his old tin-lizz was so cold this morning it wouldn’t pull itself in high gear, had to drive all the way to work in second. And as further confirmation on how cold it was here: The thermometer on the northeast corner of the Curtis Williams’ home broke, couldn’t stand the cold.

Thank you. I wish to thank all my friends who voted for me in the Ratliff Contest and helped me to win the American Flyer train. Thanks to everyone. Dane Neibarger.

75 years ago: Dec. 17, 1931

Hair cuts at 25 cents are displayed on various barber shops around town.

H.V. Needham, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia for the past week, is much better at this writing.

Mrs. Kate Brown received word from her son, Frank Brown, who is in the navy this week. Frankie is in Manila at present and expects to be home in Tonganoxie sometime in June.

Don’t forget the children when you can get a real toy at Zellner’s for a dime. Ad.

Stanwood: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Longsein have purchased a new Willys-Knight coach, which is a very beautiful car.

100 years ago: Dec. 27, 1906

The new pure food law is developing peculiar things. “Genuine maple syrup” put up in fancy bottles, contains among other things glue. When a cholera stricken hog died on the way to Kansas City, in days gone by it would have had a good chance to come back as maple syrup.

2,398 Beans in the Jar: In our doll contest for Christmas, we are pleased to announce that little Miss Eva Creed gets the doll, her number being 2,400. Miss Gladis Shireman had the same number, 2,400. The judges Henry Peterson and S.A. Evans after making a fair draw, found Eva had the lucky number. E.B. Stickland & Son.

Frank McRill has purchased a better automobile. The machine is more quiet than the old one, but the horn toots more vigorously.

Burglars got into the safe of the Holton Signal and found $1.10. If burglars don’t know any better than to get into a printing office safe, they deserve to be fooled like that.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston visited in McLouth a few days this week.