Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: June 11, 1997
The Country Hill Farm’s Classic Spring Sheep Show was Saturday at the Seely farm and had 45 participants attending. Harold Seely, the owner of the farm and founder of the show, said it was the largest turnout in the show’s eight-year history.
John Daniels will be honored at an Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony at 7:30 p.m. June 13, 1997, at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Basehor. Eagle Scout is the highest award in Scouting. Nationally, only two Scouts out of every 100 achieve the Eagle Rank.
Stan and Fern Braksick will celebrate their 50th anniversary with a buffet reception for family and friends from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. June 22, 1997, at their home in McLouth.
Craig Phillips, of the Kansas State School for the Blind, has been named as the 1997 Outstanding Teacher of Students who are Blind and Visually Impaired, an honor that is awarded annually by the Principals of Schools for the Blind. The award will be presented in October at the annual meeting of the American Printing House for the Blind in Louisville, Ky.
Death: Lida H. VanDyke, 90, Lawrence, died June 7, 1997.
Springdale Scene: Jerry Fuqua died May 31, 1997, at his home. Jerry was a cousin of Wayne Knapp.
Jarbalo Jottings: Thursday, Tom and Jean Murry went to Mrs. Peters’ to celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary.
Tonganoxie senior Susan Reed will be competing June 23-27 in the VICA, Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, National Skills Conference at Bartle Hall, in Kansas City, Mo.
25 years ago: June 9, 1982
Shaun Anderson and Tyler West occupied their time Monday morning watching as the Thorne Tree Service worked at cleaning up the tree that was blown over during a severe thunderstorm that hit parts of Kansas, including Tonganoxie, in the early-morning hours on Monday.
Death: Edna F. Burk, 89, Port Angeles, Wash., died Wednesday.
The descendants of Joseph and Ailsey Thomas had a family reunion May 31, 1982, at Bennett Springs State Park, Mo. Family members traveled many miles, bringing so many delicious foods that five large tables were needed to display it all. The last Thomas family reunion was 21 years ago.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Aligo announce the birth of a son, Scott Thomas, born June 5, 1982.
McLouth News: Diana Shade completed a course of 32 hours on rehabilitation and training at Washburn University, Topeka, at the Gerontology Institute. She is employed at Cherokee Lodge, Oskaloosa.
Jarbalo Jottings: Ask Ron Mooberry about doing something nice for somebody. He was mowing my (Thamar Barnett) lawn Saturday afternoon and a piece of wire punctured the side of his foot and went in about an inch. He is now on crutches.
50 years ago: June 27, 1957
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wing announce the birth of a daughter, June 23, 1957; Mr. and Mrs. Gertus Jones announce the birth of a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bruggeman announce the birth of a daughter, June 23, 1957; Mr. and Mrs. Orin Shockley announce the birth of a daughter, Julie Ann, on June 10, 1957; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ransom of Los Angeles announce the birth of a son, June 6, 1957.
Linwood: Word was received here June 20 that Mr. Frank Meinke, son of Mrs. Emma Meinke, was killed in an automobile accident in Bishop, Calif.
Robert Gress has found one for “Believe it or Not.” Last Monday at the farm east of town, he found a rabbit’s nest. In it were three small baby rabbits and three small baby kittens. To be able to prove his find, he called his daughter, Mrs. Thelma Parker, to come see. She did. Now the only thing we cannot figure out is whether Mother Rabbit took the kittens or Mother Cat took the rabbits, or whether it was just a cooperative housing venture.
75 years ago: June 2, 1932
Mrs. George Hausam, age 50, Hutchinson, was killed about 11 a.m. Wednesday morning, on U.S. Highway 40 near WREN at the south city limits of Tonganoxie. (A cattle truck swerved and hit Mrs. Hausam, who had been stopped when her car developed a flat tire.)
Reno: Funeral services were Monday in Lawrence for Elmer E. Himoe of Omaha, Neb., who died of apoplexy. Mr. Himoe was a cousin of Miss Bertha Halstead and often visited here before going into business in Omaha.
Sarcoxie: The barn and the contents on the C. C. Hemphill farm were destroyed by fire Saturday noon.
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Coe and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairchild of Denver, returned Tuesday afternoon from a 1,300-mile trip through the Ozarks.
100 years ago: June 13, 1907
Miss Effie Jarrett returned home Sunday from Kansas City, where she visited relatives and friends.
John McEnulty, son of James McEnulty, and Roy and Hal Noel, sons of J. C. Noel, were killed Saturday morning in a car load (railroad car of lumber at Junction City. The young men had decided to go to the western Kansas harvest fields and were in the freight car when the lumber shifted.)
Another son was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Heiser.
Dorothy Henry entertained a number of her little friends with a lawn party at her home.
Mark Twain may be expected to have a lot of fun with the Detroit official who has declared that one of his stories is “literary junk.”
For the first time in the county’s history, so far as known, Probate Judge Johnson has turned into the county treasury money of estates of deceased Civil
War veterans whose relatives or heirs could not be located. Judge Johnson was handed receipts by the county treasurer for the following: One for $487.73; one for $354.12, and one for $217.08, aggregating $1,058.93.