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Remember when: A community review

By Billie Aye - | Jul 25, 2007

10 years ago:
June 25, 1997

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Uhlrich, Tonganoxie, will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on June 27, 1997. The couple will have help celebrating the big day. Their children and family will be taking them to dinner.

Birth: Debbi and Mike Gillespie announce the birth of their daughter, Kathleen Delaney, on May 2.

Death: Lloyd R. Kirkpatrick, 71, of Tonganoxie, died June 19.

Tonganoxie senior Jill Farr competed in the State Special Olympics in Wichita, Saturday, June 7. She won the gold medal in the 400-yard walk and the 50-yard dash. She also placed third in the softball throw.

Jarbalo Jottings: Relatives of Hazel Aufdemberge of Tonganoxie helped her celebrate her birthday Sunday. Her birthday was Friday.

Michael Allen Smoots Jr., graduated from the Kansas University School of Law with a juris doctorate. He is the son of Mike and Donna Smoots, Pueblo, Colo., and the grandson of Darrel and Ione Smoots of McLouth and Elloen Harbough, Tonganoxie.

Tonganoxie resident Dawn Bitler has been named to the Dean’s List at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Bitler is a senior in the Henry W. Bloch School of Business and Public Administration.

Jill Snapp of Tonganoxie received the Osborne Endowment Scholarship for the 1996-1997 academic year at MidAmerica Nazarene University. Jill is a sophomore, majoring in nursing, and is the daughter of Ron and Suzanne Snapp of Tonganoxie.

25 years ago:
June 23, 1982

The old Ruby White house on the corner of Fourth Street and U.S. Highway 24-40 is being moved to a new location to make room for a new business on that corner. Jerry and Karen Cahail, Adair, Iowa, are new owners of Casey’s General Store.

LeAnn Meadows, fourth grade, Tonganoxie Grade School, walked off with the gold in the 100-meter dash in the 10 and under girls class in the Kansas Junior Olympics at Wichita on Saturday. This marks the second year she qualified for state competition in this event; last year she finished in seventh place. LeAnn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meadows, Tonganoxie.

Tonganoxie 4-H’er Robert Feiring was named state award winner of the 1982 4-H photography project. Rob will receive a trip to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago, Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. A 1982 graduate of McLouth High School, Robert will be a pre-med student at Kansas State University this fall.

Deaths: Nellie M. Means, 93, McLouth, died June 14; Robert E. Truitt, 71, died June 21. He has resided in Rockaway Beach, Mo., since his retirement in 1977. He had owned and operated Truitt Nursing Home in Tonganoxie for 20 years.

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daniels Jr. are proud to announce the birth of their son, John Joseph, on June 13.

Jarbalo Jottings: Bob and Boots Cleavinger attended the 65th wedding anniversary celebration for his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Almon Cleavinger.

50 years ago:
July 11, 1957

Deaths: John Leslie Simpson, age 70, died June 25,; Alfred B. Taylor, 64, died in Denver at the home of his son, Byron. He was the husband of Emma Knapp Taylor, who was born and raised at Boling; George William Stephenson, Tonganoxie, died July 3.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cronemeyer announce the birth of a daughter, Jeanne Marie, born June 29; Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney announce the birth of their daughter, Kylee Rene, born July 4.

Reno: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Higginbotham announce the arrival of a grandson June 28 at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Waln, Stilwell. The baby has been named Stephen Louis.

Weekly comment on this and that– Tonganoxie has an ugly, gapping hole in the center of the town’s main business district as a result of last week’s disastrous calamity. In 1929 there was a similar gapping hole when the old two-story Grist Hall burned at Fourth and Delaware. That is the place where the modern city library is now located; also, the new brick office and medical clinic of Dr. Philip Stevens.

75 years ago:
June 16, 1932

John Verhage, aged 76 years, died at his home in Tonganoxie last Saturday afternoon, following an illness of several months duration. Johannes Verhage was born in Vriesland, Mich., Feb. 21, 1856, and departed this life June 11, 1932, at his home in Tonganoxie at the age of 76 years, 3 months and 19 days.

New Postage July 1: Chester A. Freeman, Tonganoxie postmaster, has received instructions on new postage rates under the revenue bill, to go into effect on July 1. On that date letters will carry 3 cents postage each. Drop letters, or those mailed in the local office to local people will still be 1 cent.

Pleasant Valley: Hay making is the order of the day in this neighborhood. Stoneking’s, Heywood, Thistlethwaite and Baker, are all in the hay business.

Stranger: Grandpa Leimkuhler is visiting his brother, Gus Leimkuhler at Parkville, Mo., this week.

Reno: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kahn have a new electric refrigerator.

According to a news bulletin received from Kansas University at Lawrence, the following Tonganoxie people are enrolled for the summer session there: Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. Mike Seymour, Miss Mary Lenahan and Alfred J. Hoover. Beulah Somers of Jarbalo is also enrolled.

J. R. Bunch received word of the death of his mother, Mrs. C. C. Bush, 88, at Junction City.

Fairmount: Uncle Jim Cheatwood, who was 100 years old last Oct. 11, is well as usual and looking after his garden and farm.

100 years ago:
June 27, 1907

A. G. Hulse, living four miles southwest of here, was bitten on the second finger of his left hand, a week ago yesterday, by a copperhead snake, while at work building a fence on his farm. Dr. Coe got to Mr. Hulse about two hours after the bite and found him in a comatose condition and his arm badly swollen. The patient had taken a little whisky, but it had apparently done no good. Dr. Coe administered some antidotes and soon got Mr. Hulse out of danger.

John B. Torneden, aged 88 years, died of old age Wednesday, at his home near Fall Leaf, eight miles east of here, in Leavenworth County. The funeral was Friday afternoon from the German Lutheran Church in Eudora.

A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Leidy at Garfield, last Saturday

The second crop of alfalfa is being baptized and bathed. The farmers are having difficulty in curing it.

Mrs. Whitsed Laming went to Kansas City last week to see her brother and sister, who sailed on the President Lincoln for a three months’ tour of Europe.