Remember When: A community Review
10 years ago: May 14, 1997
Local students named Governor’s Scholars: At the invitation of Gov. Bill Graves, David Becker of Tonganoxie High School, Ann Altenhofen of Linwood, and Ben Black of Tonganoxie High School were selected to attend the 14th Annual Governor’s Scholars Award Program on May 4, 1997, in Topeka. The recognition ceremony honors the top academic 1 percent of Kansas high school seniors.
Birth: Kathy and Jeff Ramseier announce the birth of their daughter, Courtney Nicole, born on April 5, 1997.
Springdale Scene: Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended the McLouth Alumni Banquet on Saturday, May 10, at McLouth Grade School. Anabel’s brother, Marcus Woodhead, was celebrating his 50th year with his classmates.
Deaths: Anna Mary Doege, 75, Tonganoxie, died May 10, 1997; Ethel Darlene Unfred, 77, Tonganoxie, died May 9, 1997; Mildred P. Irwin, Rossville, died May 7, 1997, at the age of 82 years.
25 years ago: May 12, 1982
Liz Gilgin and Leah Hardy have been named as co-valedictorians of the 1982 graduating class of Tonganoxie High School. Deborah Pine and Brian Wagner have been named as co-salutatorians.
Janet Wake has been named valedictorian and Amy Miller as salutatorian for the 1980-82 school years at Tonganoxie Middle School.
McLouth Graduation: James E. Campbell, principal, will recognize the valedictorian, Kelly Dillard, and salutatorian, Melinda Robinson. Graduation services will be in the school gym on May 23, 1982, at 2 p.m.
Deaths: Services for Mary Lou Butler, 23, and her daughter, Elizabeth Leigh Butler, 2, who died Saturday night, May 8, 1982, in an explosion and fire at their home in Decatur, Ill., were Wednesday.
50 years ago: May 30, 1957
Deaths: Raymond Vanderslice of the Reno community was fatally injured in a car-transport truck accident on Highway 75 Wednesday morning. Raymond was 47 years of age; Mrs. Will Somers received a telephone call from her sister, Mrs. W. A. Wilkes, Wednesday morning, saying their brother, James L. Trackwell, had suffered a fatal heart attack; William T. Pardee, 86, died May 19 in Milan, Mo.; Dr. Walter E. Flanders, 88, a retired veterinarian, died May 18, after a long illness; Gladys Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bernhardt, died May 28, 1957.
The Weekly News Reel (Walt Neibarger): A fellow up the street complained about the old men of the Kiwanis Club being appointed to select a charmer to represent Tonga in the Dairy Princess contest. Now we have an attractive young lady to represent us, but no one can find out who the “old men” were who chose her.
Another father-son business change has taken place in Tonganoxie. George White Jr. purchased the service station on Fourth Street and U.S. Highway 24-40 from his father.
The 12th reunion of the children and families of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rice, who passed away 21 years ago, was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Throop of McLouth on the weekend of May 25-26.
75 years ago: May 5, 1932
This week is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tonganoxie Mirror. It was the first week in May, in the building pictured above, (picture not shown in this column) the first paper was issued in 1882. It was a modest effort, but the paper started 50 years ago, has outlived all rival efforts, and is today the oldest established business in Tonganoxie. In the photo of the first print shop George Needham is holding a horse in front of the building. Others in their order are George R. Broadbere, first editor; William S. Yates, Henry Heynen, William Heynen, and Alex T. Fox. The building was erected by James Duncanson and has long since been moved away.
Deaths: News: The community was saddened last Wednesday by the death of Mrs. Mike Sheehan. She was well known and respected by all that knew her; Alex Jackson and family attended the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. Kate Barnett, at Lawrence, Thursday afternoon; Mrs. Susan Wills, aged 63 years, passed away Sunday in Topeka; Dr. P. W. Farrar, aged 87, passed away Saturday at his Jarabalo home.
100 years ago: May 16, 1907
Samuel Pierce, who located in Tonganoxie township in 1878 and for many years lived at Honey Valley south of town, died at his home in the west part of town about noon Wednesday of last week.
Oscar Davis was in Kansas City Tuesday to purchase a soda fountain.
Rev. Ballard was called to McLouth yesterday, to preach a funeral sermon in the M.E. church over the remains of Harold, the year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Taylor, of Kansas City. Mrs. Taylor was formerly Miss India Ridgway of Stanwood.