Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: May 21, 1997
With pomp and circumstance, 107 seniors strolled down the hardcourt of Tonganoxie High School gymnasium during commencement ceremonies on Monday. “The present is being written now, but the future is anything,” valedictorian Megan Gripka stated in her speech to the class of 1997. Class valedictorians were Jayme Adams, Ann Altenhofen, David Becker, Benjamin Black and Megan Gripka. Sheryl Cleavinger was salutatorian.
The 90th birthday of Mabel M. Beaman Torneden Pettengill, rural Linwood, was celebrated on May 11, 1997, at the home of her oldest daughter and husband, Myrtle and Marvin Jones.
Deaths: Frieda May (Sweeten) Fitzpatrick, 72, Tonganoxie, died May 18; Lawrence E. Sanderson, 71, McLouth, died May 13; Lillie Mae Shreve, 88, Tonganoxie, died May 20; Eva Anderson Travis, 87, St. Petersburg, Fla., died Feb. 17; remains of Devin Eugene Williams, 28, Americus, were found in Gila County, Ariz.; Ray E. Young, 72, Joplin, Mo., died May 12.
Nick Bogard and Tom Newman, both graduating seniors from Tonganoxie High School, have joined the U.S. Marine Corps and will be leaving for San Diego on May 27.
25 years ago: May 19, 1982
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ditty are proud to announce the birth of their son, Neil Jason, on May 9, 1982.
Debra E. Tice received her bachelor of arts degree with emphasis in Bible missions from Manhattan Christian College on May 9. Debra graduated summa cum laude.
Donna Himpel, of Route 3, in Tonganoxie, was among 19 Emporia State University home economics students honored May 3. Himpel was recognized for her work as 1981-82 president of Kappa Omicron Phi.
Deaths: Samuel A. Murphy Sr., 28, rural McLouth, died unexpectedly Monday night in St. John Hospital; Lester C. (Buck) Douthitt, 62, Bee Spring, Ky., died Tuesday, May 11, in Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. Doris Freeman retired March 13, after 23 years and nine months with A&P.
Karen Kay Duncanson, of Tonganoxie, was one of 614 Emporia State University students to receive degrees during spring commencement exercises May 14. Duncanson earned a M/S degree.
Krisha Lee Crupper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Crupper, celebrated her fourth birthday at their home, Saturday afternoon, May 15.
50 years ago: June 6, 1957
Deaths: Mrs. Mary Effie Love, 66, a lifelong resident of Tonganoxie, died June 3 at her home; Mrs. Addie Nemire, age 84, died May 28. She lived most of her life in Linwood; Mrs. Jessie May Noeller, 83, Basehor, died June 3; Walter E. Pettengill, 82, died May 31 in Osawatomie. He was a retired farmer of the Reno area; James Leroy Trackwell, 75, died May 29 in Violet Grove, Canada. Mr. Trackwell had lived in Canada for about 40 years, and was born near Jarbalo; Mrs. Louise J. Theno, 59, Bonner Springs, died June 3; Mrs. Annie Frances Smith, Tonganoxie, passed away June 4.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pulley announce the birth of a daughter, Georgette Lee, May 26.
Linwood: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barnett, Perry, Kansas, announce the birth of a son May 28. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Riley Barnett.
75 years ago: May 12, 1932
Thomas Kelly, aged 71 years, passed away Saturday at his home in Basehor after a short illness of pneumonia; Remus McArdle, aged 64 years, Covington, Okla., died Monday night at a hospital in Enid, Mr. McArdle was a former resident of Tonganoxie.
Linwood, Route 2: Miss Eva Anderson is quite proud of all her eighth-grade pupils passing the county examinations so successfully. The five graduates: Chas. Babcock, Elmer Wickey, Norman Babcock, Wiley Ward and Patsey Ahern.
100 years ago: May 23, 1907
Mrs. L. F. Pratt, who lived in Tonganoxie many years, died in Lawrence last week. Mrs. Pratt died May 17, after three months illness. She was 62 years, 1 month and 20 days old.