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Remember When: A Community Review

By Billie Aye - | Jun 27, 2007

10 years ago: May 28, 1997

Dale and Lois Hand, Lawrence, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 8, 1997, followed by a dance at the Senior Citizen Center in Lawrence.

Five generations of her family were present May 18 in Arlington, Texas, for Melody Aye Walker’s graduation from the University of Texas at Arlington. Mrs. Walker received a Master of Science degree in social work. Her graduation gift was a dulcimer, handcrafted by her father, Delbert Aye. The family appreciated Mr. Fred Leimkuhler (dulcimer expert!) assisting with the stringing and fine-tuning of the instrument.

Birth: Tim O’Connor and Johnna Price of Tonganoxie announce the birth of their daughter, Ashley Jean O’Connor on April 16, 1997.

Death: Sophie J. Glinka Myers, 73, of Sunrise Beach, Mo., formerly of Kansas City, Kan., died May 24, 1997, in Tonganoxie.

Mrs. Ruby Coffman will be honored by an open house June 8, 1997, from 2-4 p.m. at the Florence Riford Senior Club. It is the celebration of Ruby’s 80th birthday.

25 years ago: May 26, 1982

Patricia Bailey, of Route 1, Tonganoxie, has been named outstanding teacher of the year for 1981-82 at Leavenworth Senior High School. Mrs. Bailey was elected by a student vote.

Death: David James Uhlrich, age 8, drowned Saturday afternoon in Greenwood, Mo.

Jarbalo Jottings: Dorothy Ehart attended a family picnic Saturday at the home of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orlowski, in Kansas City. Monday, Dorothy was responsible for planting 193 petunia plants at the Senior Center in Leavenworth.

Birth: Scott and Kristi Wise, of Linwood, announce the arrival of their son, Tyler Scott, born May 19, 1982.

McLouth News: Alvin Laster, son of Sophia and Jesse Laster, died May 20, 1982.

50 years ago: June 13, 1957

Deaths: Mrs. Lovilla Ann Kirkman, Fall Leaf, died June 12, 1957, at the age of 89 years; Eli “Ed” Burke, 57, Basehor, died last Thursday; Arthur George Klamm, 67, Basehor, died Monday; Nancy Almina Smith, age 81, died May 19, 1957, in Woodward, Okla.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett announce the arrival of a daughter June 9, 1957; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mattox of Winchester announce the birth of a daughter, Janice Lee, June 7, 1957.

Recruit Noel Townsend will report back to duty in Seattle on June 13, when he will again be stationed on the ice breaker, North Wind.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shoemaker attended the 35th annual Fishburn reunion June 1, at the Lone Star Church of the Brethren.

Basehor: Mr. and Mrs. Claud Banister celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday at their home.

75 years ago: May 19, 1932

Mrs. Eliza J. Fulks, aged 82 years, died quite suddenly of a heart attack, last Friday afternoon, at the home of her son, W. A. Fulks, west of Tonganoxie.

The McLouth Baptist Church, which has been holding revival meetings in recent weeks, baptized 40 converts at the state lake Sunday.

Charles F. Needham, aged 88 years, formerly a resident of Tonganoxie, died Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. H. Roberts, in Oskaloosa.

100 years ago: May 30, 1907

The census of Tonganoxie taken by Trustee Eggleston indicates a decrease in population from a year ago. He found 916 people inside the city limits and 24 in Elm Park addition, making of total of 940.

The Grange had a fine time Saturday picnicking on Stranger. In a foot race between Miss Stella Leighty, Mrs. William Freienmuth, George Wilkinson and E. H. Cox, the former was victorious. Fred Needham met with a romance in that he rescued a young lady from the icy waters of Stranger Creek.