Tonganoxie firefighters responded with Leavenworth County Emergency Medical Service at 3:15 a.m. and 3:13 p.m. June 18, 11:41 p.m. June 19, 6:04 a.m., 8:37 a.m. and 11:50 p.m. Thursday, 8:46 a.m. and 11:56 p.m. Friday and 1:51 a.m. June 23.
At 5:30 p.m. June 20, firefighters responded with EMS and Stranger Township for an injury accident on Tonganoxie Road north of Laming Road.
Firefighters responded to a walk-in medical emergency at 9:23 a.m. Friday at the fire station.
Firefighters responded to an activated carbon monoxide alarm at 12:05 p.m. Sunday in the 100 block of East Second Street. Firefighters found elevated levels of carbon monoxide. They ventilated the residence and turned off the gas meter.
Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office
Harold E. Cloud, 51, Leavenworth, smelled something burning at his house about 4:15 p.m. Sunday in the 18000 block of Eisenhower Road in Leavenworth. He discovered his breaker box was on fire. Cloud called the fire department and was able to put the fire out before firefighters arrived.
An 18-year-old Tonganoxie man and a 58-year-old Tonganoxie woman were involved in a verbal altercation about 5:20 p.m. Sunday in the 19000 block of 174th Street in rural Tonganoxie. The 18-year-old cursed and called the 58-year-old names. The man destroyed his own DVD player and cut up a picture frame. He was arrested for disorderly conduct.
At 1:30 a.m. Monday, a 31-year-old Tonganoxie man was stopped on 179th and Fairmount streets and was arrested for driving under the influence, transporting and open container and failing to register the vehicle. The man was taken to the Leavenworth County Jail; his vehicle was towed.
Someone damaged a mailbox by driving over it sometime June 18 in the 25200 block of 4-H Road, McLouth. The mailbox, valued at $155, was stolen, reports said.
George Bolin, 50, Leavenworth, was driving his tractor about 7:40 p.m. June 19 south on 167th Street at Hilderbrandt Road when he started to make a left turn. Stacy Van Sandt, 36, Leavenworth, tried to drive around him in her vehicle and struck the front wheels of the tractor and went into the ditch. No one was injured, reports said.
About 3:20 p.m. June 17, 16-year-old Gary Imber was traveling west on Kansas Highway 32 near 170th Street in Bonner Springs when a red pickup truck drifted into his lane causing him to drive his mother’s 1998 Ford Windstar van into a ditch while trying to avoid a collision. The Prairie Village teen tried to reach his mother but was not able to. He drove the van back to his home and reported the accident at 10:30 p.m.
A 55-year-old Bonner Springs man reported that he was a victim of theft when someone stole two plastic bags from his driveway between 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. June 17 at the 15000 block of Skyway Drive. In the bags were one box of 44-magnum ammunition, one flashlight, one helmet light, two rolls of camouflage tape, one camouflage head sock and five plastic hand clamps. The loss was estimated at $53.
A Tonganoxie woman notified the Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Department that she was taking Barbara Lawrence, 69, to St. John’s Hospital, after discovering that the McLouth woman had been involved in an accident about a quarter-mile west of 243rd Street on Fairmount Road. When officers arrived at the scene, they had discovered Lawrence’s vehicle was traveling east on Fairmount Road when it left the road, struck a culvert and vaulted into a yard. Officers believe that the vehicle spun 180 degrees and traveled backwards up a hill. The vehicle came to a rest in a ditch facing the road. When officers spoke to the driver, she said she could not remember the accident. Officers were unable to determine how long the vehicle and drivers were at the scene before being discovered. Officers thought that the accident might have been caused by a medical condition, which is being investigated by the hospital.
About 2:15 a.m. June 19, a 47-year-old Kansas City Kan., man was taken to Providence Medical Center by EMS after he and his vehicle were discovered in a ditch by officers. The man was heading north on U.S. Highway 24-40 when he lost control of his vehicle, left the road and struck a sign post, which went through the vehicles windshield. The vehicle continued on until striking a ditch. When officers discovered the accident and found the man behind the wheel with a laceration on his right eyebrow from the signpost. Officers found the man smelled of alcohol and was found to have a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit.
About 6:20 p.m. June 14, Aaron R. Hansen, 41, Lansing, was traveling west in the18000 block of Springdale Road when the front tire of his motorcycle went off the road’s north shoulder. Hansen attempted to correct but was unable and went into a wheat field where his motorcycle overturned, rolling over him once. Hansen was seen standing up trying to pick up the motorcycle. Leavenworth County Emergency Medical Service and the Alexandria Township Fire Department responded, and Hansen was taken to Cushing Memorial Hospital, Leavenworth, for treatment. The motorcycle was removed on a trailer by several of Hansen’s fellow riders. Alcohol was not a factor in the accident, reports said.
About 8 a.m. June 15, a 52-year-old Tonganoxie man was at the Leavenworth County State Fishing Lake, when an unknown person began to act strange. The Tonganoxie man decided to leave the lake for a while to get away from the person. As the man drove away from the lake, the unknown person followed him in a vehicle and then passed him on Parallel Road. When the Tonganoxie man approached Kansas Highway 16, the unknown person was waiting an threw a rock at the vehicle, breaking the driver’s side window. The rock and broken glass struck the Tonganoxie man, causing several small cuts on his left arm. The man drove to Tonganoxie and made a report. The suspect could not be found, and the victim declined medical treatment, reports said.
Stephanie J. Barger, 18, Basehor, was driving about 6:45 a.m. June 16 in the 24300 block of Sandusky Road when she swerved her vehicle to avoid hitting a dog and instead hit a mailbox, which belonged to Wayne Finch of rural Tonganoxie. Barger’s vehicle came to rest in Finch’s field and sustained disabling damage. Barger declined medical attention.