Letter to the editor: Change lax law
To the editor:
I certainly hope Rep. Kenny Wilk (R-Lansing) meant it when he said he would research the fact that the Kansas laws could not hold a vehicle homicide conviction against the man that caused the accident that killed Amanda Bixby.
My sister-in-law was killed in August 2005, because of someone being just as careless as the man who caused Amanda Bixby’s death.
As far as I am concerned, the law is way too lax and it’s way past time to be changed. How many more innocent people need to be killed before the law is changed?
Belinda (Dally) Loboda,
Deland, Fla.
Letter to the editor: Input sought on old school
To the editor:
Attention Stranger Township Residents: Your township board is meeting at 6 p.m. March 29 at the Mayginnis School, 189th Street and Hollingsworth Road.
Your input is needed by this board. Do you want to continue spending taxpayer money on this old school building or would you rather see more resources devoted to fire protection in the township?
As some background, years ago, the school district closed this old one-room school and ownership eventually was transferred to the township. It subsequently used the building for a voting place and allowed community organizations (4-H, etc.) to use it. The building deteriorated and was closed as a polling place. This year, the board first established and then disbanded a committee of interested residents who were asking whether the township should continue to own this structure.
The board has spent more than $5,000 in the past year to address some of the physical issues with the building. This year they budgeted approximately $12,000. They will have to spend thousands more to upgrade the building to contemporary standards. At this year’s budget level, this building is consuming over 10 percent of the township’s tax revenue. Is this really the highest priority of all Stranger Township residents or would we rather have that money devoted to upgrading our fire protection?
If you want your voice to be heard, attend your next board meeting on March. 29.
Lyle Fisher