Poet’s Corner
Editor’s note: This week’s poets are former Tonganoxie area resident Asa Kesinger, who lives in Lawrence, and Mike Vestal, Tonganoxie. The first three poems are by Kesinger.
Our Country Cottage
Our honeymoon has long been over
Since we became man and wife
We’re fixing up the old homestead
Farming and enjoying country life
Farming is an interesting occupation
Always busy, you might say
Yet time to help friend or neighbor
And always time to pray
We work the fertile soil
And plant the tiny seeds
Then work like little beavers
To control the ugly weeds
We can the fruit and mend the fence
And rake the new mown hay
We’ve seen both drought and flood
Take our crops away
As we sit around the fireplace
And watch the sparks scamper up the flue
We discuss our task together
Just what we plan to do
We love to visit your beautiful city
And see the lights of red, yellow and green
But the landscape around our country cottage
Is nature’s beauty you’ve never seen
To see the early-morning sun
Cast its rays of light
And hear the song of the birds
Or see them in their flight
To hear the roosters crowing
At the break of day
And see the cattle grazing
On a hill slope far away
Within our country cottage
That we so faithfully share
There’s a treasure chest of memories
That we have hid here and there
Our picturesque country cottage
That we so much adore
And all our trust within the Lord
We ask for nothing more
Little Joe
Joe was very little
Too small the team would say
Always in the dugout
Seldom a chance to play
One run was all they needed
And wouldn’t you know
The next one to bat
Would be Little Joe
Take him out
And put another in
We then would have
A better chance to win
Joe picked up a bat
And the rosin bag too
Then knocked out the dirt
From the spikes of his shoe
He laid down a bunt
And beat it out
We’ll double him off
Was their shout
He looked the pitcher
Straight in the eye
Now don’t let me steal
Was their cry
He ran for a second
And slid for the bag
The throw was high
And they missed the tag
We’ll get you yet
The shortstop hissed
But he went to third
On a ball the catcher missed
Beginning the windup
Joe took a big lead
Then ran for home
Going at top speed
The pitch was low
And the tag was late
Little Joe was safe
As he slid on home plate
The game was over
They won that day
And all because
They let Little Joe play
The Old Picture Frame
At a public auction
That I was at one day
I saw an old picture frame
And heard the auctioneer say
Three dollars is the bid
Would anyone give more
A hand was raised high
And the bid then went to four
That’s no bargain
I heard a stranger say
That frame is very old
And soon will decay
A boy continued bidding
With his hand raised high
For that old picture frame
He was determined to buy
Do I hear another bid
Was the auctioneer’s yell
And with the gavel in his hand
I’m going to sell
The boy walked forward
From his crowded place
And took the old picture frame
With smile upon his face
Said he, to the stranger
This old frame that I hold
Is worth more to me
Than its weight in gold
‘Tis true it has no beauty
And it looks old and bad
But the picture within it
Is my mother and dad
Vestal wrote the following poem in honor of Larry and Kathleen Smith’s 50th wedding anniversary:
Your Golden Anniversary
Larry & Kathleen were meant to be,
God brought them together, it’s plain to see.
They were very young, but so much in love,
They were married and blessed by the Lord above….
Larry & Kathleen had two handsome boys,
Their children are; their pride, their joy.
They grew up to be very outstanding men
Because of the love Larry and Kathleen had given them.
A few years later grandchildren they were given,
Those little children were a gift from heaven.
Grandchildren brought Larry & Kathleen such joy and laughter,
Helped them both live happily ever after….
I think the world of both of you
You’re a special couple through & through.
We all gather together this your special day,
Helping you celebrate your Golden Anniversary today…