Springdale News
Judy Sloan, Eugene and Eileen Kramer and Helen Edmonds met on Thursday, April 26, at Evelyn’s home to prepare the letter to go out for the Easton Rural High School reunion to be at 6 p.m. June 2 at St. Lawrence Hall in Easton.
On Saturday, April 28, Earl and Mary Barbara Allen and Susie Lane were visiting at Evelyn Schwinn’s home. Danny and Linda Schwinn came to visit also.
Ray and Jeanette Cole, Luke and Emily, Jason Ferguson and Evelyn Schwinn enjoyed lunch on Sunday, April 29, at Pizza Hut in Lansing.
Amber Gillaspie spent Monday, April 30, and Tuesday, May 1, with great-grandma Evelyn Schwinn. Peggy Gillaspie visited on the evening of Monday, April 30.
Ed and Peggy Gillaspie and Larry and Melissa Kick spent the weekend of April 27-30 in Branson, Mo. Both couples were celebrating their 35 wedding anniversaries.
L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman traveled April 21-25 with Gertrude’s sister and husband, Phyllisus and Bill DeMaranville at their home in Tomball, Texas. L.J. visited his old Army camp at Fort Hood, Killeen, Texas, where he was in the 47th Medical Battalion during the Korean War.
L.J. Chrisman and Gertrude entertained Elmer and Jo Rothermund, company from Columbus, Ohio, from Tuesday, May 1, until Sunday, May 5.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended Heritage Sunday April 29 at the McLouth United Methodist Church, for the 40th anniversary of Edmonds Evangelical United Brethren Church, McLouth Evangelical United Brethren Church and McLouth United Methodist Church coming together as one. “Highlights of History: A Pictorial Reminiscence from 1967-1987”; musical memories and Ministries Choral Anthem; recognition of musicians past and present; burning the new parsonage mortgage; and a pot-luck dinner were enjoyed by 100 people attending.
John and Cora Moses traveled April 19 to Branson, Mo., and went to RFD TV Theater and saw the show “Penny and Gilley.” They also invited Cora’s cousin, Gennie Tucker. They all ate at Montana Mike’s Steak House while there. They arrived back home April 22.
Betty Heywood, Carol Whitaker, Peggy Gillaspie and Evelyn Schwinn from Springdale Friends Church attended the High Prairie Ladies Spring Tea on April 19.
Linda Schwinn, Courtney Zule and Isabella Gillaspie were visiting with Evelyn Schwinn on April 19.
Ed and Peggy Gillaspie and Evelyn Schwinn attended the lovely 59th anniversary reception at the U.S. Penitentiary Training Center in Leavenworth on April 21 in honor of Jim and Maxine Vassar.
The Richard Parker family traveled to Leon during the April 21 weekend to honor Cheryl (Parker) Dragoo for her 40th birthday. It was a surprise party.
Jackie Schwinn celebrated her birthday April 23 in honor of Jim and Maxine Vassar.
Oris Nelson, a neighbor of Wayne and Anabel Knapp, visited April 19 with the Knapps. They had a nice long visit.
Anabel Knapp attended the wedding shower of Brandy Wagner on April 20 at the St. Lawrence Catholic Hall in Easton. April 20. Brandy received a lot of nice and useful gifts. Brandy and Josh Nikes will be married May 19 at Southern Heights United Methodist Church in Leavenworth. Anabel baby-sat Brandy from 3 months until she was in the fifth grade.