Letter to the editor: Shift seen
To the editor,
My wife and I spent 12 wonderful years living and working in Tonganoxie (1993-2005). During that time, I served as pastor of West Haven Baptist Church and in a number of volunteer roles (School Board, services with the VFW, Ministerial Alliance, etc.).
During this time, the citizens of Tonganoxie enjoyed a good relationship with the editor and/or other personnel at The Mirror. We saw The Mirror rise to prominence and excellence and receive a number of national awards.
Since moving away, I have continued to receive The Mirror with some anticipation. As an objective observer, I have noticed a very definite shift in The Mirror’s coverage of news and happenings in Tonganoxie.
Previously, the relationship was amiable and supportive of the various agencies and individuals, yet still able to maintain journalistic integrity and objectivity. Now, it seems to me, The Mirror is clearly in an adversarial role with numerous civic entities; most notably the School Board, city, and others.
I know most of the people in the civic positions of leadership. They are all fine people with nothing but the best of the community at heart. I understand the role of the press and am not seeking to undermine its important function or independence.I am simply observing that you are clearly adversarial and somewhat confrontational in your approach. From my distant view, this is notelpful in mostnstances.
Rick Lamb
Corsicana, Texas