Our View: Giving our thanks at Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving descends upon us — can’t you almost smell the turkey roasting in the oven? — it’s tradition to thank the Almighty for all of the blessings bestowed upon us. And there is plenty for which we are thankful. Here is but a small sampling:
- We’re thankful for the fine schools and teachers we have. Our children and the future of our community are the beneficiaries their efforts.
- We’re thankful for the warmth and generosity of our neighbors. Time and again, in the pages of this newspaper, we’ve carried stories about the good deeds and fundraisers that take place to lend someone less fortunate a helping hand.
- We’re thankful for the public servants who protect our homes from fire and break-ins, keep the utilities running, and spend hard-earned tax dollars in a fiscally responsible way.
- We’re thankful for those in the armed forces, protecting our freedoms in the face of danger.
- We’re thankful that here, in the United States, we are free to worship and give thanks as we see fit.
To all our readers, Happy Thanksgiving.