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County Commission announces agenda for week of Oct. 22-26

By Staff | Oct 19, 2007

Monday, Oct. 22
¢ 9 a.m., Public comment/ administrative business
¢ 10 a.m., Quarterly report — Appraiser/GIS/Counselor-at-Large
¢ 11 a.m. Quarterly report — Special Building
¢ 1:30 p.m., Quarterly report — Health Department
¢ 2:30 p.m., Quarterly report — Solid Waste
¢ 3:30 p.m., Quarterly report — EMS

Tuesday, Oct. 23
¢ 3 p.m., Infrastructure meeting at Leavenworth County Development Corp. office

Wednesday, Oct. 24
¢ 1 p.m., Commissioner Tellefson will attend an Federal Aviation Administration meeting in Kansas City, Mo.

Thursday, Oct. 25
¢ 9 a.m., Public comment/ administrative business
¢ 10 a.m., Quarterly report — Community Corrections
¢ 10:30 a.m., Monthly report — Public Works
¢ 1 p.m., Commissioner Tellefson will attend a JCAB meeting at USD 409 in Atchison
¢ 1:30 p.m., Planning & Zoning — Chris Dunn, director
Agenda Item No. 1: Consideration of an application (SUP 07-031) for a Special Use Permit for the operation of a Quilt Shop on a tract of land located in the Town of Fairmount also known as 15372 Meyer Rd. in Leavenworth County. Request submitted by Karen & Tom Barlow
Agenda Item No. 2: Consideration of an application (SUP 07-029) for a Special Use Permit for the operation of a Rock Quarry on a tract of land located in Section 20, Township 8S, Range 21E located on the East side of 227th approximately 900 feet from Hyw. 192/Easton Road in Leavenworth County. Request submitted by Larkin Excavating, Inc.
Agenda Item No. 3: Consideration of the Final Plats for Daley Subdivision (2-lots) in the Southeast ¼ of Section 16, Township 12S, Range 21E in Leavenworth County. Request submitted by Jennifer Daley via Strick & Co., Inc. (Staff: Chris Dunn)
2:30 p.m., Chuck Magaha and Lt. Sparks will discuss recording equipment for dispatch

Friday, Oct. 26
¢ 2 p.m., Meeting with Kansas Transportation Secretary Deb Miller at KDOT office in Olathe.