Visitors learn of novel cuisine: mealworms
Although visiting Russian youths expected to see the many new sights in the United States, they probably weren’t expecting to see an American teacher eat a dozen mealworms as part of a fundraiser.
Genesis Christian Academy second-grade teacher Ronda Andrews, who has gone to Kostroma, Russia, to visit the Light to the World Christian School said the copy machine at the Russian school had broken and the school’s administrators needed the funds for a replacement.
On Thursday, during a visit by four Light to the World Christian School students, Andrews announced there would be a school-wide fundraiser. For every $100 the school raised, she would eat one mealworm.
Andrews has done this kind of fundraiser previously, and last year she had to down six of the squirmy critters. By Friday morning, the school had raised $1,200.
“It brought tears to my eyes because the generosity of our school is overwhelming,” Andrews said.
Friday, Andrews kept her end of the bargain at an all-school assembly.
She has perfected a system for eating the worms. She first fills her mouth with chocolate milk. Next she gets ready to put the worms in her mouth. Because she doesn’t like the feeling of the worms moving around in her hand she asked the Russian students to drop two mealworms a piece into her mouth. Finally she swallows.
“It’s not a fun thing but I would do it again in a heartbeat,” Andrews said.