Family Reunions
The 46th annual reunion of the descendants of William and Rebecca Howard Brown and the Rev. Miner and Sarah Howard Daniels will be at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16, at the American Legion Hall in Oskaloosa.
Rebecca and Sarah were sisters. The two couples, with several of their family members, came to the McLouth-Oskaloosa area in 1860.
A covered dish lunch will kick off the event at 12:30 p.m. Table service, bread and drinks will be furnished. Family members are asked to bring any pictures or other memory items to show. Members also are asked to bring an item to donate for afternoon drawings.
If family members cannot attend, they are asked to send a note with information of updates in their family, such as newborns, weddings and graduations, to: John and Peggy Fohn, 15312 N. Circle Drive, Basehor 66007,; (913) 724-2229.
The seventh reunion of the Schwinn descendants will be Sunday, Sept. 30, in the Community Room of Lansing City Hall, U.S. Highway 73 and 4-H Road.
The pot-luck dinner will be at 1 p.m. Table service and beverages will be provided.
Those attending are asked to bring pictures, genealogy material or scrapbooks to put on display.
Those unable to attend are asked to send a letter to one of the contact persons. Contacts for the event are Herbert Schwinn, 682-0486; Mike Schwinn, 796-6453; Evelyn Schwinn, 727-2528; Miriam Seute, 651-6546; and Larry Schwinn, 682-3998.