County commission agenda for Sept. 10-14
Monday, Sept. 10
¢ 9 a.m., Public comment / administrative business
10:30 a.m., Planning and Zoning — Chris Dunn, director, Consideration of the preliminary and final plats for Brad’s Subdivision (2 lots) in the Southwest ¼ of Section 34, Township 10S, Range 21E in Leavenworth County. Request submitted by Jack and Estee Willis and Jeffery and Leann Stewart via McAfee, Henderson and Strick.
¢ 3 p.m., Discussion of WaterOne Interlocal Agreement
¢ 6 p.m., Joint city-county meeting with the City of Basehor at the Leavenworth County Courthouse Commission Board Room
Wednesday, Sept. 12
¢ 11:30 a.m., Commissioners will attend Leavenworth County Development Corporation at Lansing Community Center
Thursday, Sept. 13
¢ 9 a.m., Public comment / administrative business
¢ 10:30 a.m., Contract Renewal — Tim Goetz
Friday, Sept. 14
¢ 9 a.m., Canvass of Votes for Linwood Library Election
All such other business that may come before the commission. All meetings are open to the public.