Remember When: A Community Review of Tonganoxie
10 years ago: Jan. 2, 2002
Deaths: Clarence Wesley McMechan Jr., 84, Lawrence, died Dec. 27, 2001; Vera Gay McMechan, 82, Lawrence, died Dec. 28, 2001; Carrie Edith McAlexander, 75, Lehigh Acres, Fla., died Dec. 30, 2001.
Air Force Senior Airman Kelly L. Crouse has graduated from Airman Leadership School at Cannon Air Force Base, Clovis, N.M. The senior airman has served in the military for nine years.
Springdale News: Pastor Matt and Kristi Lucas are so proud to have their new adopted 6-year-old “Erica” in their home now. She is a darling little girl. We congratulate them.
Jarbalo Jottings: Tom and Jean Murry went to Parsons on Dec. 20 for the funeral of Tom’s cousin, Paul Rust.
Plans for a $200 million natural-gas-fired electrical generating plant in Leavenworth County are on hold. For about a year, Duke Energy-North America has been studying the possibility of building a power plant at 195th and Bauserman Road, about 10 miles north of Tonganoxie. The site was one of several locations across the nation under consideration.
25 years ago: Dec. 31, 1986
An evening dinner at 711 Pleasant Dr. was the ending of a day of celebrating her 93rd birthday Dec. 14 for Gladys Hunter.
(Caption under picture.) A quilt project was completed by fourth- and fifth-grade students a few years ago. Each state of the union is represented by its shape and state capital. Also the state bird, flower and date the state entered the union are included on each square. The border of the quilt is blue with white stars outlined. Much work is evident. The quilt is on display at the grade school.
Births: Mauro and Susan Sallustio wish to announce the birth of their first child, Joseph Antonio. “Joey” was born Nov. 16, 1986; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Marks, Jr., Leavenworth, are proud to announce the birth of a son, Jason Andrew, born Dec. 18, 1986.
Death: Penny K. Kampfer, 23, Lawrence, died Dec. 26, 1986.
McLouth News: A reception was given Friday in honor of the 95th birthday of Mrs. Eva Shepherd. Freda Tiemann and Carolyn Lasher played host to the event.
Comments by Walt Neibarger: Tonganoxie, Dec. 29, 1986: Here’s a thought for New Year’s Eve. Walk a second mile in someone else’s shoes if you have felt the sting of adverse criticism. In view of the year-end criticism in the media, it’s a thought. Thursday we start a new year.
50 years ago: Jan. 18, 1962
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Vaughn of Route 2, Tonganoxie, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary this Christmas Eve with a family reunion of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Smoke Signals by J.J. Neibarger (Jere Neibarger): I thought Tuesday that the weather was colder than usual, which is pretty cold, and came to find out that the seat had torn out of my trousers. This must be something like how the girls feel wearing skirts in this kind of weather.
Births: A daughter, Joanie Marie, was born Jan. 13, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Seymour; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slawson announce the birth of their son, Kent Edward, Jan. 11, 1962; Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Tipton of Imperial Beach, California, announce the birth of a daughter, born Dec. 5.
Deaths: Lester G. McGee, 75, Rt. 3, died Jan. 12, 1962; Mrs. Ethel Louise (Freeman) Quisenberry, Topeka, died Jan. 18, 1962, at the age of 82 years.
Basehor Weekly News: Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, formerly of Basehor, now living in the geriatric ward at Cushing Memorial Hospital, Leavenworth, celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary. Mr. Lewis is 92 and Mrs. Lewis is 84.
Jarbalo Community: Our rural mail carrier, Gene Duffin, has never missed coming to Jarbalo, through all the drifted roads. He managed somehow to get here, and we all appreciate this very much.
75 years ago: Dec. 24, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seymore received the following radiogram from their son, Earl, who is stationed with the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army in the Philippines: “Am well and happy and like my work fine; tell all my friends, Hello! Love, Earl.” The message was sent Monday afternoon and arrived here from San Francisco, California, by air mail Wednesday morning. This is getting a speedy dispatch from a distance of ten thousand miles. It requires about 30 days for a letter from here in regular transport. — Stranger.
From “It Happened in Kansas” by F.A. Cooper: Christmas, 1806…Lieut. Pike and his little army of 10 were the first men to spend Christmas in Kansas. Pike’s journey was one of peril and hardship from the first. He had to contend with hostile Indians and at the same time evade a Spanish army of 600 men that was out to destroy him. Christmas Day found Pike and his men in the frozen heart of the Rocky Mts. (then part of Kansas). They were lost and starving. Strangely enough, they were finally rescued by the Spanish Army.
Mrs. Coatney Margaret Duncan, age 85, of Kansas City, Kan., died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lucy Flint, at the residence on the southeast part of the state lake, northwest of Tonganoxie, early Sunday morning. She was not well known here.
A drawing in The Mirror two weeks ago illustrated the episode of the existence in a Kansas county of a piece of hard-tack of civil war origin, making it 72 years old. Mrs. George Robb of west of Tonganoxie has a similar keepsake, a piece of hard-tack brought back from the war by her father, the late J.H. Leighty, of the same vintage. She also showed the editor a bullet with which Mr. Leighty was wounded in the face, and later removed.
Deaths: Linwood News: Relatives received word Sunday of the death of Bert Edwin Hicks, Jr., 6-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hicks of Providence, R.I. The baby was brought to Lawrence and a graveside funeral took place in the Oak Hill Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon; McLouth items: The funeral of Mrs. Eve Eskridge, who died at her home on Muddy Creek last Tuesday, took place at the funeral home at Peeblers, in Topeka.
100 years ago: Jan. 4, 1912
Arthur H. Benson, aged 23 years, and living in the south part of Reno Township near the Douglas County line, accidentally shot himself last Friday afternoon while picking up a gun and he died in a Lawrence hospital early the next morning.
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills last week.
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lash the first of the week.
James Dwyer found his cow, which he thought had been stolen. She had been buried in a straw stack, and was not injured by her experience.
In Kansas City it is now against the law for persons on foot to make short cuts when crossing streets. Some more progressive foolishness.
Germany is going to have an aerial cruiser that will carry 200 people. No guarantee is given as to how far it will carry them.
A sleighing party of 13 was out Sunday night, and just before getting back it was discovered that one of the girls in the crowd was a boy. The young man would not talk, a very unfeminine trait that led to the discovery.
The father of William Botts, who lives west of town, is 93 years old and lives at Hulburt, Okla. He has been poorly lately and Mr. Botts left Friday to pay him a visit.