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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Jun 5, 2012

Great news: it has worked. Those pesky little moles seem to have quickly given up and left. The kitty litter seems to have done the trick.

They had come as usual down around the upper yard and cement wall. I dug into their run, dropping small scoops of the kitty waste into their tunnels.

So far, no sign of moles working anywhere. They’ve gotten the idea, we hope, that there is now a huge cat living here now.

Those critters have made my attempts at gardening so very frustrating, for years now, getting worse and worse as time goes by. Just thought I’d pass this on. As I said before, poison control said there is no poison in the litter itself.

Poison control also said the reason nursing mothers should not handle the litter from cats, etc., that there is a parasite in the cats’ waste that babies can easily get from any mother handling the litter.

I know I’m not alone when it comes to having to put up with the presence of moles. I remember, when I was a child, my dad would dig into their tunnels, slide a hose over the old Model T car’s exhaust pipe, and attach the other end of the hose into their runs. He would let the motor idle, moving from spot to spot around the front yard and garden areas, totally getting rid of them in those areas.

I hope this helps many of you. Moles really tear up so much. This appears to be a snap, though I’m going to watch.

Be happy now, become contagious and spread good cheer wherever you go. We all have so much to be grateful for.

— Aunt Norie, PO Box 265, Tonganoxie, KS 66086; auntnorie@att.net