Leavenworth County Commission agenda: week of March 12

A World War I doughboy statue stands outside the Leavenworth County Courthouse.
The Leavenworth County Commission meets regularly at 9 a.m. each Monday and Thursday at the Leavenworth County Courthouse, 300 Walnut St. in Leavenworth.
Agenda for the week of March 12:
Monday, March 12
9 a.m.: Public comment/administrative business/administrator’s report
- Approve minutes of March 8
- Airport study report
9:15 a.m.: Public works monthly report
Tuesday, March 13
6 p.m.: Solid waste committee meeting, courthouse basement conference room
Thursday, March 15
9 a.m.: Public comment/administrative business/administrator’s report
- Approval of minutes of March 12
- Approval of agenda for week of March 19
9:15 a.m.: Planning and zoning — Elston Estates preliminary and final plat
9:30 a.m.: Kansas Highway 7 economic study presentation by Mell Henderson, director of transportation, Mid-America Regional Council
Saturday, March 17
Noon: Commissioners will participate in the dignitary delegation at the 29th annual Leavenworth St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
- A World War I doughboy statue stands outside the Leavenworth County Courthouse.