Tonganoxie City Council agenda for May 14, 2012
Shawn Linenberger
Open Regular Meeting, 7 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Consent Agenda
a) Approval of Minutes –
Regular Meeting dated April 23, 2012
Special Meeting dated May 7, 2012
b) Consider Approval of Bills – Approve Pay Ordinance A-1682
c) Consider appropriation to BG Consultants for Chieftain Trail Extension Phase II in the amount of $14,180.50.
d) Consider appropriation to Bingham’s Landscaping for concrete and labor for replacement of crosswalks on 4th Street in the amount of $4,911.88.
e) Consider appropriation to Michael Kelly for April legal services in the amount of $2,455.50.
f) Consider appropriation to Mize Houser & Company for audit of financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 in the amount of $5,000.00.
g) Consider appropriation to Mike Yanez for final pay for first half of May City Administrator services reimbursement in the amount of $3,321.06, which includes $51.06 mileage reimbursement.
III. Open Agenda
“Members of the public are welcome to use this time to comment about any matter relating to City business. The comments that are discussed under Open Agenda may or may not be acted upon by the Council during this meeting. Please wait to be recognized by the Mayor, then state your name and address and all comments are to be directed to the chair.”
IV. Old Business
a) City Attorney – Update on the Police Station
b) Lease Agreement – City of Tonganoxie and Grinter Farms for lease of farmland at the Industrial Park site.
c) Mark Lee – Building Inspector/Code Enforcement – Update on old Creamery Building
d) Suburban Water Proposals for Industrial Park Site – Executive Session for confidential matters of attorney client privilege.
e) Update on City Planning Services RFQ Responses
V. New Business
a) Chieftain Trail Easement Acquisitions
b) Water Park Employees – Approval of Salaries
c) City Administrator Agenda
d) City Attorney Agenda
1) Contract for PWWD No. 6. (Kent Heskett will attend PWWD meeting on May 17, 2012.)
e) Mayor Agenda
1) Proclamation – May National Bike Month
2) 2012 Mayoral Appointments
3) Executive Session to discuss confidential or trade secret information of a third party.
f) Council President Agenda
g) City Council Agenda
VI. Adjourn
VII. Information and Communications (No Action Required)
a) Comparison of Cities – Market Graphics Research Group
b) Knology – 2012 Rate Increases