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Tonganoxie minister discusses true heroes at Memorial Day Weekend ceremony

By Shawn Linenberger - | May 27, 2012

Shawn Linenberger

Tonganoxie VFW Post 9271 members perform a gun salute during a Memorial Day Weekend ceremony Sunday, May 27, 2012, at Tonganoxie VFW Park.

Rev. Mike Bronson mentioned the importance of heroes at Sunday’s Memorial Day Weekend ceremony at VFW Park in Tonganoxie.

“I don’t use that word lightly,” Bronson said.

The West Haven Baptist Church minister said true heroes are those who serve our country. He said the word is used loosely these days to also define celebrities and athletes. He said heroism should be judged by military service “not performances on a ball field.”

He spoke about his belief in American exceptionalism and that God created America “to bless the rest of the world.”

He noted that even in war, the United States has done its part to rebuild countries of past enemies, such as Germany and Vietnam. And though he himself did not serve in the military, he spoke about how thankful he was for others to serve the country and protect citizens’ freedoms.

The ceremony, which drew about 35 people to the park, finished with VFW Post 9271 conducting a gun salute and the playing of “Taps.”