Festival of Mini Trees set to return
The Tonganoxie Public Library is bringing back its Festival of Mini Trees.
Library visitors can bid on the trees between Nov. 23 and 5 Dec. 13.
There will be a reception before the Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony Nov. 22. Bids will be taken until 5 p.m. Dec. 13.
Donations will be miniature artificial Christmas trees, between 2 and 3 feet tall, decorated with inventive and whimsical themes. They will be displayed on top of bookshelves throughout the library. The trees will be sold by silent auction and the proceeds will be used to purchase additional materials for the library. Auction winners will be notified by email and/or phone.
Here are some additional items of note about the festival:
l All festival events will take place at the Tonganoxie Public Library, 303 S. Bury.
l Donations are accepted from everyone — businesses, organizations, families or individuals.
l Artificial trees must be between 2 and 3 feet tall, so that they may fit atop bookshelves.
l Any lights should be battery operated. The trees will be displayed with the lights on during the opening reception only. Thereafter they will be displayed with the lights off.
l Trees will be accepted between Nov. 15 and Nov. 22.
l Public viewing and silent auction will be Nov. 22 through Dec. 13, with the bidding closing at 5 p.m. Dec. 13.
l Festival opening reception with lit trees will be 3-5 p.m. Nov. 22 before the mayor’s tree lighting.
l Organizers ask that the trees be brought in pre-decorated and fully assembled, with all decorations securely fastened and on a free-standing base.
For more information, email Jim Morey at jimm@tonganoxielibrary.org or call Cindy Grant at the library, 913-845-3281.