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Tonganoxie traffic lights expected to be fully operational Monday

By Shawn Linenberger - | Nov 19, 2014

Let there be traffic lights.

Crews are putting finishing touches on the traffic signal at U.S. Highway 24-40 and Stone Creek Drive/South Park Drive this week, Tonganoxie City Administrator Nathan McCommon told city council members Monday.

McCommon said the traffic signals were expected to function as blinking lights through the weekend and then would change to regular traffic signals Monday.

Kansas Department of Transportation officials are planning a small ceremony at 10 a.m. Monday to officially turn the signals on, McCommon said.

The signal’s traffic detection for traffic moving north and south (Stone Creek Drive/South Park Drive) will be by video, McCommon said. Traffic detection for vehicles going east and west (U.S. 24-40) will be by radar.

City Council rejects roofing bids

The council is holding off on roof repairs for city hall so that it can re-open bids for repair.

The council planned to select one of three bids for repair at City Hall for more than $5,000.

But builder Curtis Oroke, who was attending Monday’s meeting, told the city he could fix the roof at a lower rate.

“As far as I’m concerned $5,000 for that roof, you’re wasting your money,” Oroke said. “I can get it done cheaper.”

As the council delayed a decision approving a winning bid, Councilmember Bill Peak voiced concern about the process.

“I don’t like how the protocol is going at all,” Peak said.

He said he favored cost savings, but was concerned about allowing audience members to interject after the bid process has taken place.

Oroke said Tonganoxie contractors should have been notified of the opportunity, to which Peak said the bid opportunity was posted on the city’s website, tonganoxie.org.

The council also discussed creating an electronic mailing list for area contractors when such projects come up.

A more extensive bid process is required with purchases of $15,000 or more, McCommon noted.

The council rejected the bids by a 4-0 vote, with Chris Donnelly absent. The companies that submitted original bids can resubmit bids as part of the updated process.

Council approves secondary animal control plan

Tonganoxie City Council members approved an agreement with the City of Leavenworth for its animal shelter to be a secondary shelter for animal control.

The council voted, 4-0, to use the facility as a secondary option if closer options were full.

The agreement is pending Leavenworth City Commission approval. The commission is to vote on the measure at its meeting next Tuesday.

Under the agreement, Tonganoxie would pay $50 intake fee per animal and $20 per day for each dog or cat housed at the facility on behalf of Tonganoxie Animal Control. If an animal is put to sleep, there would be a $20 euthanasia fee and disposal fee of 65 cents per pound. In addition, the city must maintain $500,000 in general liability insurance.

The agreement would start Jan. 1. Any changes to the agreement would be made during annual renewal of the agreement.

“I’d like to thank the city of Leavenworth for providing us with this option,” Mayor Jason Ward said. “Stray animals in Leavenworth County and in the city of Tonganoxie always have been an issue.”

The council also inquired about procedure when animal control finds a pet that has a collar and is tagged with contact information of the owner.

McCommon said animal control’s first step is trying to get the animal back to the owner.