Tonganoxie City Council candidate questionnaire: Susan Freemyer
Estuardo Garcia
Susan Freemyer
ELECTION RACE: Freemyer is one of six candidates vying for one of two City Council seats.
AGE: 51
OCCUPATION: Office administrator, Reece and Nichols Premier Realty, Tonganoxie
CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: Facebook page, Susan Freemyer for Tonganoxie City Council
What made you decide to run for office?
The same reason I’ve volunteered for so many activities, groups and events, the desire to serve my community. I want to help find solutions. I want the opportunity to work with a talented, diverse City Council. We need to work and grow with the organizations already working hard to support our community such as, Chamber of Commerce, E.A.S.T., Tonganoxie Live, Tonganoxie Friends of the Police, just to name a few. We do not need to recreate the wheel; we need to support the one that is already in motion. It’s about the people who live here and a good future for our children. Diversity in our community is the key to our success. The world is growing around us and we must grow with it. We also must find a way to preserve our local culture and traditions. We don’t have to be born and raised here to appreciate the value of this great community!
What special qualifications would you bring to this office?
I have a positive attitude with great listening skills and a creative mind. An associate’s degree in law enforcement has helped in understanding people and recognizing the struggles we all face each day. I have good work ethics and have received recognition awards for helping fight company fraud, loss prevention, customer service training and team training. I’ve been involved in hiring employees, and protecting their rights in a work environment. I’ve trained others in the importance of maintaining good personal security and operational security in social media and when dealing with military families. I’m honest, direct and an open book.
How do you plan to stay in touch with constituents if elected?
Using proper operational guidelines, social media, Town Hall Meetings, and attending local events. I would like to see us take City Council goals and challenges out into the community instead of hoping that busy professionals can find time in their busy schedules to attend Council Meetings. We are a busy, productive community; however raising our children and making a living come first. I’ll also be available through phone, text, and email.
What issue are you hearing about most from voters while on the campaign trail?
These are questions I’ve heard on the campaign trail:
Why aren’t we doing more for the growth of Downtown? Why don’t people understand our work environment is dangerous? We need adequate meeting space for the Community. Did you know City Hall employees have to wait sometimes to go to the bathroom because the bathroom is located on the opposite side of City Council Chambers? Why do I have to have a permit to fix my hot water heater? What are the incentives for opening a business in Tonganoxie? Why are we spending $10,000 to have the side of a building painted? When I call City Hall, I’m told to look online for the information I’m calling about, why can’t they just tell me? It’s too expensive to bring our businesses up to code. Is the City really broke? Why are we holding on to the industrial park? Why do outsiders want to change the way things work in Tonganoxie? What is going to happen to the Elementary School? What is wrong with the existing Police Department? What is rumor and what is truth?
What are the three most important issues facing the city and how would you address them?
Just hearing the list of questions I’ve been faced with, I think our number one problem is the communications between the City and its Constituents; we need to reduce that gap. I don’t think anyone is necessarily to blame here, I think it falls through the cracks because of our busy lives. Again what is rumor and what is truth? Secondly, the fundamental framework of a municipal government services is to provide infrastructure, safety, regulation and promotion. We need to continue to concentrate of those important elements. I’ve been attending the infrastructure committee meetings as a guest to learn, support, voice my concerns and participate in what I think is a great avenue. They want to develop (with community approval) a solution to our out grown Public Library, UDS 464 District Office, City Hall, Municipal Court and Police Department. Those solutions could combine several, not necessarily all of these entities together under one roof with shared expenses instead of separate facilities. The benefit to the Community would be tremendous to our growth for the next 50 years. There are some wonderful possibilities ahead and the community would have a voice. Third issue but not any less important than the other two listed, would be to work in keeping our debt in a healthy balance. It’s true the City has decreased the debt by $3 million and they haven’t added onto that. We must proceed with caution. If you question that facts, don’t take my word for it, make an appointment to go over this information with the City Administrator. You need to look at the facts for yourself.