Letter to the editor: Residents question CR 1 rezoning recommendations
To the editor:
The potential re-zoning of property near County Rd. 1, south of Tonganoxie, was discussed at the last Planning & Zoning meeting. None of residents who spoke were in favor of re-zoning. However, the committee unanimously voted in favor of re-zoning. It begs the question: Why even bother attending and speaking if no one listens?
The BOCC has spent an inordinate amount of money paying consultants to determine what to do with our property while listening very little to what the actual residents and property owners there want, even though we are the ones who continue to pay exorbitantly high and annually increasing taxes. It’s insulting and shameful to use our tax money to then pay consultants to make proposals that will not only change the face of our community, but in many cases, change our way of life. This is the very epitome of “biting the hand that feeds you,” especially since we farm on our property and quite literally provide food for thousands of people.
If County Road 1 becomes a haven for industry, businesses, or multi-family residences, according to the two proposals being considered, it will be increasingly difficult for us to use the road to get from field to field with farm equipment with increased traffic, and it becomes more dangerous for others, as well. With the KTA interchange on County Road 1, we have seen an incredible increase in traffic already.
There is some good news: the Planning and Zoning staff function only as advisors to the BOCC on issues pertaining to land use, meaning the BOCC can accept or deny their recommendations and advisements and act on what their constituents, the ones who actually pay the taxes that actually pay BOCCs’ salaries, want. And fortunately for the residents of southern Leavenworth County, there are no laws or local legislation that dictates that our property be re-zoned for any reason.
LVCO has been home to six generations of our family. We hope it will continue for many generations to come, but we also hope that our elected officials truly represent our families’ needs and hopes for the future instead of making disconnected, self-serving, dangerous decisions that affect those of us who depend on them to make sound decisions.
BA and Debbie Skeet,
Rural Tonganoxie