McLouth Happenings: Haunted Hayrides final Saturday; Halloween events

Shawn Linenberger
McLouthGet out and vote
Early voting has started.
Do your homework and vote. Residents also can vote from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. at their respective polling sites on Election Day Nov. 5.
Haunted Hayride’s final weekend is Saturday
Enjoy the Threshers Lair Haunted Hayride hosted by and held at the McLouth Threshing Bee Grounds.
The last chance to go on the haunted hayride this year is 7:45 p.m.-11 p.m., Saturday.
Cost is $15 per person for anyone 7 and older; children ages 6 and under gain admission for $5. Family friendly, spooky fun!
Trunk or Treat is Sunday
The KIDS Place will have its annual Trunk or Treat from 2-5 p.m. Sunday with raffles, games, baked goods, face painting, food vendor and more.
The event is at 109 N. Union St. in McLouth.
Halloween safety
Let’s ensure this Halloween is safe.
Check your children’s candy before they eat it.
It is possible they may receive pills laced with Fentanyl to look like candy. Rainbow Fentanyl comes in a variety of bright colors, shapes and sizes, including pills, powder, and blocks that resemble sidewalk chalk.
Trunk or Treat at McLouth UMC
McLouth United Methodist Church (Kansas Highway 16 and Summit Street) will host its 21st annual Trunk or Treat from 5-7 p.m. Oct. 31 in the parking lot.
Decorated automobile trunks will be the place to get your Halloween candy. This is a great opportunity for families who live in the country to participate in the festivities, as well as being a safe event for your little ghosts and goblins.
Community Halloween Party is Oct. 31
Join the fun at the Community Halloween Party at the Fire Department from 5:30-8 p.m. Halloween Night, Oct. 31.
The costume contest will start at 7 p.m.
Trick-or-treating etiquette
Residents who choose not to be disturbed by Trick-or-Treaters often leave their porch lights turned off.
As a courtesy, please respect their preference by only going to houses that are lit.
— Please submit McLouth Community information, announcements, and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: or 785-865-4623.