Remember When
10 years ago: Jan. 6, 1993
Births: Born on Jan. 1, Tiffany Renae Jacobs is the first New Year’s baby in the Tonganoxie area. Tiffany is the daughter of Julie and Scott Jacobs; also born on New Year’s Day was Jessica Lee Heeter. Amy and Thomas Heeter of Tonganoxie are her parents. (Picture)
(Pictures) Three recent graduates from the Tonganoxie area had a short break from military life recently. Josh Ferguson and Matt Dean of Tonganoxie, and Kelly Crouse of McLouth all came home to celebrate the holidays with their families.
(Picture) Ashlie McGhee, daughter of Mike McGhee of Tonganoxie, and Angela McGhee of North Kansas City, displays the Christmas stocking she won in a drawing from Bitler’s Restaurant.
Deaths: Charles W. Hitzeman, 73, Tonganoxie, died Jan. 1; Dorothy L. Ruiz, 70, Overland Park, died Dec. 28; Thurman M. “Pete” Greninger, 67, Kansas City, died Dec. 29; Patty G. Gossett, 48, died Jan. 2, 1993.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vestal went to the funeral services of his great-grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Price, who was 103 years and one month of age, last Wednesday in Overbrook.
25 years ago: Jan. 4, 1978
The trophies on display in the window of Evan’s Real Estate belong to Mr. Dwight H. Williams of Kansas City. Williams has trained his Brittany dogs along Stranger Creek for many years and has many championship trophies to show for his hard work.
The second fire in a week destroyed the rural home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Frasier, north of Tonganoxie, last Tuesday night. (Pictures)
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. John Kampfer announce the birth of a daughter, Stacie Leigh, Dec. 20, 1977, in Kailua, Hawaii.
Rev. and Mrs. Ben Saathoff and family left the 26th for Huntley, Wyo., where they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Yocum, returning home on the 29th. This occasion was a family reunion, and it had been 10 years since all were together.
Death: Grover Calvin McAlexander, Tonganoxie, passed away Jan. 1, 1978, at the age of 75 years.
McLouth News: Mrs. Elizabeth Lange received word of the death of Mary Shrader Dobbs, 50 of Portland, Oregon, Jan. 1, 1978. Mrs. Lange also received word of the death of Laura Klem Myers, 82, of Fresno, Calif..
50 years ago: Jan. 15, 1953
Death: Charles S. Kendall died Dec. 31, 1952, at Rocky Ford, Colorado at the home of his son, Rex Kendall.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Springer of Hazel Ridge, who celebrate their golden wedding Sunday, bought a new Ford in 1921, while operating a hotel at Bonner Springs. They still drive it to town. Both the Ford and the marriage lasted a long time.
(Picture) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bernhardt, long-time residents of this neighborhood, will have their big day Sunday with a golden wedding.
Linwood: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bowen announce the birth of a son Jan. 14. They have given him the name Paul Fryer.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Earls of Tonganoxie are the parents of a daughter, born Jan. 10, 1953; Mr. and Mrs. John McGraw announce the birth of a son Jan. 8, 1953. They have given him the name of John Steven; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Russell of San Diego, Calif., announce the birth of a baby girl, Mary Ann, born Dec. 29. Mrs. Russell will be remembered here as Joy Ann May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felten May, formerly of Tonganoxie.
Pvt. Henry L. Brune, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brune of Leavenworth, is now stationed at Nellingen, Germany. He has been in Germany since October 1952.
Participating in the largest training exercise held by the Pacific Fleet since World War II, aboard the USS John W. Thomason is Ransley McNulty, boilerman second class, USN, son of Thomas C. McNulty of Tonganoxie, and husband of Mrs. Marilyn J. McNulty of Lawrence.
75 years ago: Dec. 29, 1927
Edward Diekman, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. August Diekman, who is employed at Cain’s Drug Store, was taken ill Saturday morning. He was taken to Kansas City and an appendicitis operation was performed in Bethany hospital Saturday afternoon. He seemed to be progressing favorably from the operation, when a case of spinal meningitis developed. (Mr. Diekman’s illness was not contagious, it was reported.)
Do you know that people in New York and San Francisco, speak of the unusual hotel dinners served in Tonganoxie?
A telegram was received here Wednesday morning by Mrs. G. K. Gwathmey, stating that her brother, Drury Reynolds of Oakland, Calif., died early that morning.
Mrs. Delilah Mintier Dead in Lucas, Kansas: Mrs. Mintier came with her husband to Leavenworth county in 1855 and lived here until 1904, when they moved to Lucas.
Pleasant Prairie: Mr. and Mrs. Deeter are quite proud of their Christmas present, a loudspeaker radio.
High School Notes: Mary Alice Lenahan and Helen Schilling received the two highest grades in the test on the League of Nations, and will represent Tonganoxie High School in the national contest, March 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vance, Kansas City, Kan., are the parents of a baby girl, born Dec. 19. Mrs. Vance is a daughter of A.M. Huffman.
The Mirror man is trying to bring Tonganoxie into the limelight by dragging this kind of a story into print following a proposal to have some of the national convention delegates invited to that burg: While they’re here, we can tell them that Old Chief Tonganoxie was a second cousin by marriage to Charley Curtis’s grandmother’s aunt. Oskaloosa Independent.
100 years ago: Jan. 8, 1903
Chas. Kunasek wears a broad smile. He says it is a boy.
Mr. Wiley, of Iowa, was looking at some of the farms in this neighborhood last Friday, with a view to locating in “Sunny Kansas.”
An editor announced that he would write an article on “Hell and Who Will Be there.” Since then he has received letters from one lawyer, two bankers, three newspaper men, four hotel men, one barber, and four druggists threatening to stop their paper and sue him for slander if he should dare to mention any names.
What kind of mothers does Pennsylvania expect to develop from girls who go into factories at the age of 11 and work all night?
The ladies of the Library Association realized $8 out of their ten-cent lunch Saturday afternoon.
The large Loomis farm over on Stranger is still the large Loomis farm. The farm has not been sold notwithstanding a report to that effect.
Richard Jones has sent back word that he has made arrangements to start a new bank in Tonganoxie, and will be here next week to get ready for business. The bank will be capitalized at $20,000 if it is made a state bank of at $25,000 if made a national bank. This feature will be decided on later.