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Federal funds to help finance intersection work

By Lisa Scheller - | Jan 23, 2002

Improvements slated for the intersection of Evans Road and County Road 25 have been postponed.
Originally, the bid letting was to have been in October, and then it was moved to December.
Now, the date is set for March, said David Mahoney, public works director for the county.
“We had some delay on acquiring the right of way,” Mahoney said. “Now we’ve got the right of way, we’ve submitted the paperwork. That project should be let in March and we should receive federal funds for it.”
The intersection improvement will be 90 percent funded by a federal safety grant. The funds, Mahoney said, are being administered by Kansas Department of Transportation. The county will pay the remaining 10 percent of construction costs, along with the cost of designing the project and acquiring right of way.
So far, it looks as if the county is in good shape to receive the federal grant, Mahoney said, but he added that it’s possible KDOT could decide to distribute the funds to other counties instead.