Remember when: a community review
10 years ago: April 14, 1993
(Picture) Rev. Dave Petersen, United Methodist church, recently visited Haiti to help with the medical needs of the third-world country. He has brought back artwork created by Haitians.
Deaths: Thomas B. Hopkins, 2 months old, Leavenworth, died April 9, 1993; Jimmy Dean “J.D.” Carroll, 60, Tonganoxie, died April 6, 1993; Thomas E. Innis Jr., 65, Kansas City, Kan., died April 5, 1993.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars would like the people of Tonganoxie to be aware of the services offered by the organization. For a $20 fee VFW will provide any Tonganoxie home or business with a three feet by five feet United States flag. The VFW also provides a 10-foot pole with each flag. Another service provided upon request, VFW will furnish a bugler, flag folders, and a three-man firing squad for the funeral of any veteran.
(Pictures) Harold and Lois Melia do not have to spend much money on apples at the grocery store. Instead, they can go into their back yard and pick their own. The Melias have been growing fruit trees on their property on Highway 16, located three miles northwest of Tonganoxie, for twenty years. The Melias now have approximately 25 trees. Harold said he planted the trees just for fun.
25 years ago: April 12, 1978
(Picture) Groundbreaking ceremonies were held last Thursday at the site of the new Riford Senior Citizen Center in Tonganoxie.
Obituaries: Amos V. Hale, 83, formerly of Tonganoxie, died Monday in Lawrence Memorial Hospital; Edward Vance, 85, Independence, Mo., died Sunday.
(Picture) An estimate 150 supporters of the O-Keet-Sha Trail turned out for the Hike-In Sunday afternoon in Tonganoxie. The group met at the City Hall and from there hiked their way to Lawrence. The Hike-In was scheduled to show support for turning the abandoned Union Pacific Railroad right of way into a nature trail for hikers and bicycles.
Vera Duncanson won the TV at the drawing at Bunce Appliances, Friday night.
Linwood News: Air National Guard airman Keith A. Resco, son of retired U.S. Army Master Sgt. and Mrs. Albert E. Resco, has graduated at Chanute AFM, Ill., from the U.S. Air Force technical training course for aircraft maintenance specialists.
Springville News: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lawrence visited Mr. and Mrs. Vic Browning of Linwood, Monday evening. The Brownings have their watermelon fields planted. They grow watermelons commercially.
50 years ago: April 23, 1953
Deaths: George Bond, 78 of Rock Creek, died Thursday in a Kansas City hospital; Charles Nathan Morris, age 78, Tonganoxie, passed away April 22, 1953. Mrs. Lillian Yonally, age 61, Tonganoxie passed away, April, 1953 at Rogers, Ark.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Freienmuth of Damascus, Md., announce the arrival of a son Karl Stephen on April 21.
Jarbalo: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheppard have sold their Tonganoxie property and have purchased a large trailer house which they moved to the farm of Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard.
Mrs. Robert Kasper and daughter Kathleen returned to their home, in Dunning, Neb., after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Freienmuth.
Jimmy Baker entered Lawrence Memorial Hospital Saturday where he underwent an operation for removal of the appendix. He came home this Thursday.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berentz of Eureka announce the birth of a daughter on April 5. She has been named Kathryn Ruth.
Hazel Richardson, county treasurer, says she is no mind reader and wants to know who sent from Tonganoxie two blank sheets of paper with $15 in cash, apparently in payment of taxes.
Weather Item: Charley Baker has a letter from his son Jerry, who said it was 55 degrees at Fairbanks, Alaska, last week when it was freezing here.
75 years ago: April 5, 1928
Henry F. Geib brought up a plan at the Tuesday noon luncheon of the community club for placing an airplane guide sign on the Tonganoxie water tower. He asked the club to seek information from aeronautical associations regarding a property sign, and having it listed on the aid maps of the United States. The secretary was instructed to seek this information on the water tower, so that travelers could see it.
Theo Eugene Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stoneking, who died at birth Sunday, April 1, was buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery on Monday.
Coal Ridge: The Gordon children are absent from school this week on account of the pink eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bridges attended the funeral of Mrs. Bridges’ sister, Mrs. Will Icks, held at Jarbalo Saturday afternoon.
Announcement of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, March 31, at their home in Topeka, was received this week by Mr. and Mrs. Willis Peters. Mrs. Fisher was, before her marriage, Miss Anna McEnulty.
About the best asset any store can have is a clerk who gives polite answers to fool questions. Charles Trapp.
100 years ago: April 16, 1903
Fairmount: Theodosia, wife of John Kane, died at 8 o’clock Saturday morning.