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LMH continues search for Tonganoxie physician

By Caroline Trowbridge - | Mar 5, 2003

Lawrence Memorial Hospital officials hope to hire a physician soon to staff an office building planned for Tonganoxie.

So far, hospital officials have interviewed two physicians and plan to interview a third one on Thursday.

“There may be a possibility of a fourth, but there are three for sure,” said Gene Meyer, CEO of the hospital, which is owned by the city of Lawrence.

Meyer said he hopes to make a decision soon on who will staff the medical office, which will be constructed west of First State Bank and Trust’s building on U.S. Highway 24-40.

“We want to get the right one, so we’re not going to be limited by a time frame, but my guess is it will probably be by sometime in March,” he said.

The hospital has sent out requests for proposals to contractors who might be interested in constructing the physician’s office, which should open this fall. Hospital officials still must decide whether LMH or a group of investors will own the 2,500-square-foot building.

The hospital, which has a market share of 16 percent to 18 percent in the Tonganoxie area, and Meyer said LMH hopes to increase that by constructing the clinic here.