Remember When
10 years ago: March 10, 1993
Danielle Boatwright shut her empty locker for the last time and took a wistful look at the familiar corridors of Tonganoxie High School. Friday was the final day of classes for the 1992 Second Runner-up Miss Teen U.S.A. The Tonganoxie senior prepared to travel early Sunday morning to embark on her Hollywood career with West Modeling Co. (Picture)
Dick and Donna Chapman and their families, hosted a family gathering at the Riford center on Feb. 28.
Tony Lewandowski shows his recently earned Eagle Scout award.
Deaths: Franklin 0. “Speedy” Dressler, 75, Lawrence, died March 4, 1993; Flossie Vivian Larew, 98, died March 4, 1993, in Topeka.
Births: Paul and Lorretta Herbert announce the birth of their son, Dylan Taylor on Feb. 21; Steve and Robin Colgrove are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Katelyn Anne, on Feb. 24; Daniel and Crystal Reed of Al-lenhurst, Ga., would like to an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Courtney Rae on March 8, 1993.
25 years ago: March 8, 1978
Tonganoxie’s newest business is the Green Lantern Cafe, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leighty. (Picture)
Mrs. Frances Myers received her 50-year pin from the Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Sunday, Feb. 26. It was presented to Frances at her home by Mr. and Mrs. Pete McMillon. Mrs. Myers is actually a 60-year member of the Eastern Star this year, 1978. Because of an oversight her records were unfortunately overlooked. (Picture)
(Picture) Jim Ditty and Debbie Pine will represent Tonganoxie in the Leaven-worth County Spelling contest to be held March 21.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Stevens celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary on March 4.
Birth: Christopher John Heath was born Feb. 23, 1978. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heath, Leavenworth.
McLouth News: Mrs. Louise Gilbert was a Saturday evening supper guest, celebrating her birthday, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Means of Bonner Springs, at The Kitchen.
McLouth News: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bartlett of Tonganoxie announce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Lynn, Feb. 14.
50 years ago: March 19, 1953
Deaths: Everett (Ed) Bateson, 67, Los Angeles, died recently at his home; Mrs. Mary L. Parker died Monday in Hill City; Mrs. Helen Marie Nick, 44, Basehor, died Sunday night; Russell Gray, about 43, died Saturday at Omaha, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Mills celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on March 11.
Ninia Pearson, student nurse polio victim, was queen of the spring carnival at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Her picture appeared in the Star on Friday.
Gladys McEnulty received a set of dishes, 93 pieces from Japan. A present from her son Bob, who is in the navy.
75 years ago: March 1, 1928
William Grant, age 39, died Sunday morning in Rosedale, following an illness of about a year; H. F. Davis, age 58, died Saturday morning in Kansas City at St. Margaret’s hospital.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Allie Babcock are the happy parents of a new baby girl, born Feb. 27; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ford announce the birth of a baby boy Feb. 26.
Stranger: Grandpa Parsons, who has been so ill with the flu passed away Monday night, Feb. 27 at the home of his son, W. D. Parsons.
100 years ago: March 12, 1903
Neely: Mud not all gone yet.
Neely: A young “soldier” arrived at the home of Lon Noel Monday night and no doubt will board with Lon and his wife for about 21 years.
The Star people are having great difficulty in getting a carrier. It is six to eight hours work a day, and the pay is about $4 per week.
The Tonganoxie telephone system is now joined with the Leavenworth independent system.
Miss Mears was down from Jarbalo, Monday, taking a guitar lesson.
Mt. Olivet: Mrs. Catherine Miller, 80, died Feb. 26 of asthma and old age. She was one of the early settlers of this county.
Mrs. Phillip Mulderg survived her husband only six days and died unexpectedly Saturday morning at her home on Nine Mile, four miles west of here. She died from the same trouble as her husband — pneumonia. It is a peculiar coincidence that one should so soon follow the other. Mrs. Mulderg was about 74.
Mrs. Amanda Keller died early Friday morning, at her home north of the Zellner Mercantile block, of a complication of diseases, in the 70th year of her age.