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Local woman survives another week

By Shawn Linenberger - | Oct 12, 2005

Danni Boatwright’s taste buds were much happier during last week’s episode of “Survivor: Guatemala.”

Boatwright, a Tonganoxie resident, received an apple to eat during the most recent episode.

The Yaxha and Nakum tribes were asked to vote for who in their tribe needed the most nourishment. Nakum members overwhelmingly picked Boatwright, who then was presented an apple, which she devoured.

Throughout their stay in Guatemala, tribal members usually must fend for themselves when it comes to food.

The tribal members were eating a steady diet of cornmeal, along with the occasional minnow or insect, before last week’s episode, so the apple was a welcome sight for Boatwright. Jamie Newton of the Yaxha tribe also received an apple.

Tribal members also voted for the smelliest tribal members in need of a shower and who deserved a picnic. Two members were given the opportunity to take showers, while four members went on a picnic atop the Mayan pyramids.

¢ “Survivor: Guatemala” still has 14 tribal members left on the show, which will continue with a new episode at 7 p.m. Thursday on Sunflower Broadband channels 5 and 13.

While picnic-goers were gone, host Jeff Probst shuffled up the tribes.

Boatwright and fellow Kansan Brandon Bellinger were moved to the Yaxha tribe along with two other original Nakum tribal members.

The new Yaxha still had three original members, including Gary Hogeboom, who played professional football. Boatwright, who had said in an earlier episode that Hogeboom played professional football, asked Hogeboom about his playing days. Hogeboom, as before, denied that he played in the NFL.

“I’m not going to blow my strategy,” Hogeboom said in an interview. “That’s my cover, so I’m keeping it.”

The former NFL quarterback doesn’t want other tribal members knowing he played professional football. With the Survivor winner taking home $1 million, he’s worried other members won’t think he needs to compete because of the large salaries pro athletes are known to make.

Hogeboom likely should make sure tribemate Amy O’Hara never discovers that he played football.

“Who knows?” she said. “Watch him be retired and he’s like a multi-millionaire.

“I’ll kill him. I’ll freakin’ kill him.”

After the tribes were realigned, the new teams competed in an immunity challenge. During the challenge, the tribes paddled to the lake to retrieve three bags filled with Mayan war clubs. The teams headed back to land and threw the clubs at targets 30, 40 and 50 feet away.

Bellinger was unsuccessful early on for the new Yaxha tribe, but Boatwright took over and knocked out the first target for the Yaxha. Bellinger redeemed himself. He hit the final target and gave Yaxha immunity, which meant Boatwright survived another episode.

During tribal council, Brooke Struck, a law student from Hood River, Ore., became the fourth person voted off the show.