Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: Oct. 23, 1996
Under the smoke of burning debris wafting through the fall air like signals from Chief Tonganoxie himself, members of the Tonganoxie VFW and volunteers generally interested in lending a hand reverently erected The Moving Wall in Tonganoxie’s Reusch/VFW Park. (Among the many pictures was one showing Jim Roger’s wreath as among the first mementos left, and another showing Larry Meadows speaking before a crowd on opening day.)
Births: Ted and Kris Grinter of Lawrence announce the birth of a daughter, Callie LaRue, born Sept. 30, 1996. Chad and Jill Kietzmann announce the birth of a daughter, Brenna Marie, on Oct. 15, 1996. Tim and Tara Stauch announce the birth of a son, Dylan J., born Oct. 21, 1996. Thom and Melany Sutherland of Lenexa announce the birth of their daughters, Emily Caitlyn and Hannah Rachelle on Sept. 24, 1996.
Deaths: Thomas Francis Holton, Tonganoxie, died Oct. 21, in the same home on his family farm where he was born 87 years ago. William Thomas Norman, 81, Tonganoxie, died Oct. 21, 1996.
25 years ago: Oct. 21, 1981
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bradley announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Allan, on Oct. 9, 1981.
Deaths: Doris Barbetha Freeman, 60, Fort Collins, Colo., died Sept. 24, 1981. Frances Katherine Myers, Tonganoxie, died Oct. 13, 1981, at the age of 82. Chester Albert Blakeslee, Jarbalo area, died Oct. 14, 1981, at the age of 89 years. Karl A. Peterson, 59, Humble, Texas, died Sept. 30, 1981.
McLouth News: The construction crew has begun to excavate for the construction of the new high school building at McLouth.
The Rev. Bob Kasper had received word of the death of Charles Scofield, a former minister of Tonganoxie, from 1925 to 1928, and a resident of Pilgrim Place, Claremont, Calif., since 1958. Many area residents still remember him.
50 years ago: Nov. 8, 1956
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith are parents of a son, Frank Douglas, born Oct. 29, 1956.
Deaths: Leo A. Heintzelman, 67, lifetime resident of Leavenworth County and city, died unexpectedly Friday afternoon at his home. Mr. Heintzelman was a retired woodworker, having been employed by the Abernathy Furniture Co. for a period of 25 years. Robert W. Stafford, 50, Kansas City Mo., died of a heart attack Saturday morning at Mitchell, S.D., while on a hunting trip.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCaffrey announce the birth of a son, John Michael, Nov. 2, 1956.
Basehor: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Modrell of Kansas City, Kan., and Mr. and Mrs. William Fevurly attended the funeral of Mr. Harvey Dean Vogan, held Sunday afternoon. Mr. Vogan was formerly of Basehor.
75 years ago: Oct. 15, 1931
John Cline Sr., 82, a resident of this community over 50 years, passed away at his home in Tonganoxie, about 11 o’clock last Sunday morning, after an illness of some time. He and Mrs. Cline celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary together last April 25.
Henry Johnson, aged 83, of Baldwin, died at the Rosedale hospital in Kansas City, Tuesday. Mr. Johnson will be remembered by many of the older people, as he was a former resident of Tonganoxie.
Mrs. Thos. Dews, aged 51 years, passed away shortly after noon Oct. 14, at her home east of Tonganoxie.
Improvements are going forward rapidly at the Zellner Merc. Co. Store. This will certainly be an up-to-date, attractive store when these improvements are completed.
Mrs. John Claibour of Lincolnshire, England, who is enroute to Long Beach, Calif., is the guest of her brother, J.C. Laming and family. Mr. Laming said his sister brought him a beautiful needlework picture from England, which his mother had made at the age of 10 years, and of which he is justly proud.
100 years ago: Oct. 25, 1906
Frank Lenahan purchased a bunch of 12 mules from Henry Myers Tuesday.
Ern Bowman has cast a number of concrete lamp posts for the city. Gas lamps are to be erected in several places.
Word has been received of the fatal burning of the 2-year-old child of John Kelley, a farmer living near Easton, 14 miles west of Leavenworth. The home of the Kelleys caught fire while the family was asleep and came near burning all of them to death.
George K. Elston fell unconscious Monday forenoon at his news stand in the post office, with heart trouble. He was taken home and is getting better. Mr. Elston occasionally has such attacks.