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Programs, services earn higher rating for library

By Lisa Scheller - | Nov 29, 2006

The Tonganoxie City Library is now rated as a Level 1 Major Service Center.

At a recent library board meeting, Mickey Coalwell, a Northeast Kansas Library System representative, presented the plaque to the library.

The designation is given to libraries that have a public meeting room, service programs, extended hours of operation and a professionally trained administrator.

Libraries in this category provide broad subject coverage and have materials in various formats for all age groups.

In addition, the library provides a high level of technology, including remote access to an online category of the library’s holdings, and to regional and statewide resources.

Janet Hofmeister, library board president, said the library is fortunate to have Sharon Moreland as director.

“Sharon has been instrumental in taking this small-town library into the library of the future — one with a small-town feel, but equipped with today’s technology,” Hofmeister said.

She also credited the library staff members, whom she said are friendly and helpful, and the pro-active library board.

“Our goal is to provide a pleasant place for not only recreational reading, but a place for educational learning too,” Hofmeister said. “We want to provide a place where the patrons can do research, e-mail a loved one, explore the Internet, socialize with others in the community, attend a library program or just relax in a quiet area to read the paper.”

Moreland, who has been the library’s director since September 2003, said the library was rated as a Service Center 1 when she arrived. In 2004, the ranking increased to a Service Center 2.

Under Moreland’s direction, the library’s ranking has climbed up to the next rung of the ladder.

In the past three years, Moreland said, the library has increased the benefits the library provides to area residents — such as longer hours and more technology.

“We are very proud and excited to be able to offer expanded services to the community,” Moreland said.