Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: July 2, 1997
When Robert Klinkenberg was named commander for the VFW post here in Tonganoxie, he said he felt it was a great honor. (Mr. Klinkenberg ended the article about him by saying, “The VFW post and community go hand in hand working together for different things, and I want to make sure that continues.”)
Angela Olsen, a 1997 May graduate of Tonganoxie High School, has qualified for the National High School Rodeo competitions. This is her fourth year to qualify for the competitions.
Model A Ford regional meet in Tulsa: When you hear the words “Oklahoma Run,” visions of horses, wagons and buggies flash through your head. The Model A Ford Regional Meet in Tulsa, June 9-14, was all “run” with Model A’s, and it was a memorable experience.
Deaths: Hugh Patrick “Bud” O’Hare, 66, Pomona, died June 26; George Clinton Harris, 75, Tonganoxie, died June 25; Lillian A. Kraus, 88, Winchester, died June 28; Marie Atkins, 86, Bonner Springs, died June 29.
Birth: Dean and Rebecca Jepson of Platte City, Mo., announce the birth of their daughter, Kelsey Rebecca, June 23, 1997.
An open house honoring Eugene and Grace Voigt for their Golden Wedding Anniversary will be held July 13, 2 to 4 p.m. at the Emmaus Lutheran Church, Kansas Avenue and Highway 7.
A surprise gift consisting of many teddy bears was donated by Scout Troop 5426 to the “Bears on Patrol,” a program sponsored by the Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Department for distribution to traumatized children. (Shown was Patrol Lt. John Duncanson accepting the bears from Anna DiLenardo and Erin Bogner.)
25 years ago: June 30, 1982
Miss Heidi Wallace, Kansas City, Kan., formerly of Tonganoxie, had the privilege of attending the United States Olympic Academy the week of June 20 through July 26. Heidi was an Olympic torch bearer representing Kansas in the 1980 Winter Olympics.
Deaths: Mrs. Beryl (Taylor) Ward, 92, died June 28, in Oskaloosa; John Robinson-El, 64, rural Leavenworth county, died June 24.
Births: Rod and Linda Sturgeon, of Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth of their daughter, Jessica Marie, on June 18, 1982; Steve and Karen Stoll of Topeka, are the proud parents of a daughter, born June 7, 1982; Mr. and Mrs. Steven James Sloan announce the birth of Steven Jeffrey Sloan, June 9, 1982.
Jarbalo Jottings: A reunion of the Ruttan family was Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruttan and family. They live just east of the County Shop corner.
McLouth News: Mrs. Elizabeth Kell received word of the death of Mrs. Ethel Addington Williams, Rolla, Kan. She was the daughter of Alex Addington, a former McLouth resident.
50 years ago: July 18, 1957
Death: Mrs. Laura Belle Billingsley, Tonganoxie, died July 14, at the age of 79 years.
The Weekly News Reel: Quite a number of the Boy Scouts are in the Ozarks this week along with their leaders. The man up the street can’t help wondering if this isn’t the last fling at freedom for husband-to-be Scoutmaster Bill Seymour.
Sportsmen are having a field day at the Tonganoxie State Lake. Many fine catches are being reported. Best to date is a 49-pound catfish caught by Melvin Beckmon of Carbondale. The fish was 48 inches long and seven inches between the eyes. On top of everything else, the bait used was worms.
Weekly Comment on this and that: Just a note about Jim Ronan Sr. He has lived on the same farm near Coal Ridge for 47 years. At one time he operated a coal mine on his farm. He is one of the youngest 88-year-old men we know, gets around well, and no one could tell the difference if you took 20 years off his age. (He is) Another resident who makes this community a better place to live.
75 years ago: June 23, 1932
Deaths: Frank Allen Sechrest, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sechrest, died Tuesday afternoon. He was 19 years, 8 months, and 6 days of age; Dr. J. E. Watkins, who was a resident of this community for a number of years, died June 17 at his home in Americus. (Dr. Watkins was a dentist in Tonganoxie for years.)
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McKone announce the birth of a son to whom they have given the name John Richard.
Joy Brown left Sunday for Iowa to join a road show playing in that state.
Wilson Myers is building an attractive fish pool and rock garden at the Myers Hotel. He has done most of the work himself and at little expense, he says. The pool is oval in shape and quite a large one. A waterwheel will be placed where the water flows from the upper pool into the lower one.
Stranger: The folks of Smith school charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Dean Freeman at their home north of Tonganoxie Thursday evening, and report a splendid time.
Stringtown: The neighborhood circle met Thursday with Mrs. Noark and daughter, Agnes. Quilting took up the afternoon.
Reno: Quite a number of willow chair weavers are camped by the depot and seem to be very successful in disposing of their wares
100 years ago: July 4, 1907
Death of an Old Settler: Remus McArdle, aged 84 years, died at his home near Jarbalo, Monday, shortly after 12 o’clock. The deceased was a sufferer from senility for a long time.
Jake Kemler has sold his telephone exchange at Potter to Austin Edminster, of Basehor. The latter will put his son Floyd in charge.
Frank Blakely has purchased an automobile. All the automobiles in town so far are in the possession of the Franks.
Potato pickers wanted at Linwood. Boys from 12 years up taken. Good wages given and good quarters found. Apply to M. R. Howard, Linwood.
Miss Ethel Turner entertained a number of her friends at her home one mile west of town last Thursday evening. Will Turner took about a dozen of the guests out on a hay rack. Music and various games were the source of the evening’s amusement. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. All of those present spent a merry evening.
Twelve condemned mules were sold by the government at Fort Leavenworth Saturday for over $120 each. Uncle Sam has an eye to business while miles are high.