Glenna Lynn Mills
Justin and Brooke Mills of Princeton announce the birth of a daughter, Glenna Lynn.
Glenna was born Nov. 8, 2007, at Olathe Medical Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Grandparents are George and Cindi Mills of Tonganoxie and Fred and Rhoda Martin of Princeton.
McKenna Mae Connelly
Branden and Amy Connelly, Overland Park, announce the birth of a daughter, McKenna Mae.
She was born at 3:10 p.m. Oct. 3, 2007, at St. Luke’s South Hospital in Overland Park. McKenna weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches long.
McKenna was welcomed home by an older sister, Madelynn.
Maternal grandparents are Gordon and Terri Brest, Tonganoxie. Paternal grandparents are Matt and Martha Cremers, Ponca City, Okla., and Terry and Glenda Connelly, Ridgedale, Mo.
Maternal great-grandparents are Harold and Wilma Clark, Tonganoxie; Jean Grobove, Bovey, Minn.; and William and Joyce Brest, Dallas, N.C.
Paternal great-grandparents are James and Clara Langley, Ron and Linda Cremers and Bob and Ardetah Christensen, all of Ponca City, Okla.
Samantha Reischman
Kevin and Holly Reischman, Tonganoxie, announce the birth of their daughter, Samantha, on Oct. 5, 2007, at Shawnee Mission Medical Center.
Her maternal grandparents are Dawn Stagg and Michael Hains, Monett, Mo.; her paternal grandparents are Mike and Lisa Reischman, Tonganoxie.
Maternal great-grandparents are Tim Mosman and Pat Yardley; paternal great-grandparents are Dean and Rose Hummelgaard.
Jett Wesley Gilmore
Charlie and Shawna Gilmore announce the birth of their son, Jett Wesley Gilmore.
Jett was born Aug. 17, 2007, at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Jett was welcomed home by his brothers, Chas, 4, and Eli, 2.
Maternal grandparents are Bill and Loris New, Leavenworth. Paternal grandparents are Bob and Cheryl Gilmore, Pittsburg.