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Weather brings county office closing, city meeting postponement

By Staff Report - | Dec 10, 2007

Leavenworth County and City of Tonganoxie officials aren’t waiting for the weather to turn bad; they’ve already decided to shut down county offices and reschedule council meetings in advance of an anticipated ice storm.

County Commission chairman J.C. Tellefson announced the decision to close the courthouse and all other county buildings about noon Monday.

“It doesn’t look like we’ll be getting that inch of ice they originally forecast, but we’ve been in contact with the National Weather Service, and it looks like we will be getting at least a quarter of an inch of ice,” Tellefson said. “That still could be kind of ugly.”

Around 12:30 p.m., Tonganoxie Mayor Mike Vestal had moved Monday night’s council meeting to Wednesday at 7 p.m. Vestal said the items on the agenda weren’t as important as the safety Tonganoxie residents and of the City Council.

Other closings include the Council on Aging, Leavenworth County Health Department, the County Annex in Tonganoxie and the Leavenworth County Justice Center, Tellefson said. Not included in the closing are the Sheriff’s Office and Public Works Department.

Tonganoxie City Hall will be open during their normal hours of operations Tuesday.

If you know of a weather-related closing or cancellation, contact The Mirror, 913-845-2222 or send an e-mail to jtaylor@theworldco.info.