Springdale News
Jennifer and David Roggenkamp and their son, all from St. Marys, spent the Dec. 15 weekend with Johnny and Jackie Schwinn. Amy Jo Schwinn is home for the holidays from Kansas State University in Manhattan.
Myron and Jody Schwinn of St. George came Dec. 16 for a visit at the Danny Schwinn home. They also visited at Evelyn Schwinn’s home with John and Bill Schwinn and Peggy Gillaspie.
Luke and Emily Cole spent Dec. 12 and 13 at Grandma Evelyn Schwinn’s home. There was no school because of the electric outage. They went to school Dec. 14.
How great to see the sun shining and some green grass peeking out of the ice and snow. So many in our area have been without electricity and furnaces. Great to have our electric people out doing a great job to restore it to us.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended the Christmas Program on Dec. 16 at the United Methodist Church at McLouth with snacks afterward and 87 people attending.